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Autotecnica Billet Engine Oil Cap - Does It Need A O Ring? Noob Post :


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Hey people...not sure if this is the right thread but had a bit of a random question (and was gonna post in 'engine' thread but this is more of an accessory type question I suppose).

Just bought the sh*tty wok set of Autotecnica billet cap covers. The awesome XR power ones :P

Pretty piss poor cause thought it was a good deal ($70) for 3 covers (I actually though they were full replacement caps but 2 of them are just COVERS) vs the normal places like plazmaman for $70 on its own. Kind of wish I bought just the plazmaman one now lol but I've got this now and cbf reselling really.

Just FYI the radiator cap one needs to be glued onto original cap so it doesn't move (don't really like that idea but prob have to I guess) and the power steering cover one doesn't simply fit over it. I have a feeling that I will need to remove the whole dipstick inside part of the cap and transfer that into the billet one (which knowing my luck ill prob hack the original up and then it wont fit in) lol

Ok so my question is, when looking at the original engine oil cap, I noticed an O ring which is integrated into the cap....so when I looked at my billet one I noticed there is none and therefore I'm pretty sure ill need to go to Bunning's and buy one. Can anyone confirm if this is the case (as I assume if you don't have the o ring in place oil will slowly try and come out of the oil cap?) Or am I just being paranoid?

Anyone with the plazmaman one on their car (or other brands like rapids - but I think that's just a plaz one anyways?). Does that come with an O ring, or did you have to buy one also or did you not buy one and no issues with oil leaking?

Also if anyone else has bought one, I noticed something kinda sh*t about mine and was wondering whether it was designed like this or whether my one is slightly dodgy. When you screw the cap on, the thread attaches good and screws down nicely. But when you UNSCREW it off, there is a little resistance and it eventually gets stuck and wont unscrew. I think its literally like 1 or 2mm worth of thread that wasn't properly done or something. The solution is when you unscrew it, you loosen it off (about half a turn or so) and then lift the whole cap up (that moves the thread up by 1 or 2 mm and then you continue to unscrew it whilst still pulling the cap up at the same time). Does anyone think that this will be a bad thing or its just more of an annoyance and that's the way it is? Not sure im gunna get too much help out there but if you do have one let me know if you experienced the same thing I did (but I rekon I was just unlucky and scored a sh*t one lol)

Also seeing as its billet, does that mean it wont shrink or expand? I thought when heat hits metal it can cause it to expand and then contract when cold. I'm just wondering if over time this billet cap could shrink onto the head and that would be sh*thouse. LOL I just don't want to leave it on and then one day when changing oil, the cap becomes stuck and then I have NFI what I would do then :/ But hopefully the billet design means it withstands high temps without expanding or contracting? Again Im prob being paranoid here right??

Lastly, I included a pic showing you the inside of the cap. I am unsure which O ring I should be buying and where to place it (or should I buy both). The O ring either goes inside the bigger hole in the cap, or on the smaller middle part of the cap.

I don't know how to upload the pic in line with this thread (Im not that skilled) as I assume you need to upload the image on photobucket style website which I CBF doing) so its just attached as an attachment. ***EDIT (I think I may have done it correct below?)



Let me know what your opinions are?

Thanks for any advice that can be offered :)

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That was too much reading and I only read 1/3 of it. Use the O-ring out of your original cap (use a flat head screw driver to get it out). "DO NOT BUY A PLAZMAMAN OIL CAP" I say this because they throw in a free one whenever you buy a intercooler, airbox or any other item from them.....I have two

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Lol you should see my brake thread I started.. I always ramble when im trying to explain something on my car...sorry yo

ill look at my oil cap properly then. Cheers for the tip...wanna trade my billet caps for one of your plaz one? Hahah

being billet they don't expand or shrink from the heat yeah? I know it sounds stupid but seriously lol

cheers for the reply

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whereabouts do you live? I'm overseas with work atm, if your in Sydney and I see you cruising around when I get back I'll just give it to you. it won't expand or shrink either

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The reason you buy a billet oil cap is to prevent the OEM plastic version breaking down with time and ending up in your valve gear. It happens rather a lot.

All metal expands when heated, billet, cast, machined, sintered, 3D printed whatever.

The billet metal caps expand, your engine block expands, so do your heads, your turbo wheels expend, the Harbour Bridge expands.... if it's metal it expands with heat.

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  • Cruise Whore
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I'm in the market for a brand new oil billet cap.  If anyone has a spare brand new Plazmaman oil billet cap just lying around (cos they got an extra one with their intercooler what not) - please let me know :beerchug:

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