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Xr6 Turbo Ute - Manual "clunky"?


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  • Member For: 12y 3m 5d
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Hi everyone,

I did a quick search and couldn't quickly see anything about this, so I apologise if it's previously been done to death.

I bought a 6sp manual xr6 turbo ute a month or so ago with only 38,000kms, since I've had it I've thought often that the gearbox feels clunky. Even to the point that on some gear changes I can feel/hear a bit of a clunky, this is both driving softly and hard. I drive the ute daily to and from work.

I've always driven manual cars, but I'm just not sure if there's something up, or if I still need more time to adjust to the clutch & box. I feel like I'm riding the clutch too much to try and get it smoother half the time, other times it feels fine and shifts around nicely, then other times it's clunking about. Seems to be easier to notice when the car is cold, but it's still there when it's warmed up.

Do I need to spend some more time in the drivers seat to adjust to it and stop being a sh*t driver or is there potentially an issue that needs to be looked at.

Edit: Is it also possible to adjust the bite point of the clutch without having to swap one out?

Edited by m1rkz
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Normal with these.... Mine is like a truck gearbox when cold.. 1st 2nd are crunch the worst.. Some are LOUD AS FARK.. Forum member Paulie 2256 has a cummins truck gearbox in his its that loud.

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  • Member For: 12y 3m 5d
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That's cool. I'm glad I'm not really doing anything wrong for the most part then.
Never had a car that's felt like it before, even the old R33 Skyline felt a sh*t tonne smoother to change (but given it's probably putting out less power from factory probably?).

At least I can now put the constant thoughts aside of 'f*ck, what did I do wrong then' or 'Is the gearbox about to fall out of the car?'
I'll probably make sure the fluid levels are okay etc as suggested, and then continue having fun :D
Thanks for the feedback guys.

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