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X Spurt 1000Cc Injectors


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  • Member For: 13y 2m 20d
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Birthday coming up and rather than the usual sh1t that old fa*ts like me get - I thought about some more mods. Sadly, the full list went south due to some employment issues.

Anyhow, the xspurt 1000's were already paid for so they went into the BF (Manual). The existing Bosch Green tops (440cc) were right out of duty cycle capacity at the top end and the thinking was that just maybe the 1000's might tip it into the 300 club. The Result = No good in the power department. Perth showed ~31 degrees yesterday and it was more than that in the dyno cell. The factory F6 intercooler was really out of its league at 272RWKW with intake temps at 57c+ on run three and nothing would fix the resulting detonation (using 98 fuel.)

Best run before all of this new work was 288 on a very much cooler day - so, the final tune saw power output down. :rant2:

Open to suggestions on an intercooler upgrade - leaning towards a bar/plate from a good supplier (plus some other items on re-employment..)

However, what are the 1,000's like? Damn good IMO. The old injectors produced good start up and idle quality along with quite good low speed driveability. It is subjective but the 1,000's seem better to me. Idle is dead smooth at 750 (tacho) and the car will just piddle along in the gears in traffic with no surge or issues with returning to idle. Fuel usage - the same it seems - not using the on- board computer but a fill to fill measure - took it for a longish drive last night just for the hell of it.

So, if you are going down the injector path these things are pretty good and of course, set you up for ethanol fuel.

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 6d
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injectors themselves will not give you any more power unless the previous injectors where limiting the power, 42 lb injectors should see 300 rwkw on a 6 cyl easily if the fuel system is delivering enough.

why not get it to idle at 600 rpm or even 550?

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  • Member For: 13y 2m 20d
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  • Location: Perth

The idle - well I am trying to get rid of the rollover rattle with the air con on in this car and 750 seems to be the right spot. I tried 680 - 700 ( per tacho) in a previous session on the dyno but it got worse so went up rather than down. I'll have to wait for a 38 degree day and a long run or traffic to see if this is a success but so far, it is much quieter. More than happy to drop the speed if it owrks but the rattle is very annoying.

The injectors. The car has a Herrod pump/swirl pot upgrade and I am told the pressure regulator is fine. This dyno session sees a new fuel filter and fresh 98. I sat in the car with the tuning when it made 288. I am not trained in VCM suite but looking at the tables and results along with the things the tuner was trying it seemed that no amount of timing changes or adjusting the boost would get it any further. It was clear it was detonating. I was told the injectors were running 85% which I think is far enough ( based on some basic research). AFR's acceptable.. It went really well to about 4800 rpm in 4th (around 150 on the rollers) and showed 8000NM of tractive effort early on - and then it just laid down. I thought the injectors would do it - nope... Intercooler????

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