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  • Member For: 11y 6m 3d

Hay all just wondering I've done a fair bit of work to my car and had it tuned but have noticed in the last couple of day when I come to a stop (not all the time) the car drops revs and sometimes it stalls. Any ideas??

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  • Member For: 20y 11d
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  • Location: North Jamberoo, NSW

That's no good mate it could be anything best bet is to take it back to the place you tuned the car.

could be anything from o2 sensor, camshaft sensor, fuel, injectors

let us know how you go.

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If you have a surge installed and bigger injectors but no upgraded fuel reg high fuel pressure can be the problem. I had the exact same problem. It's also in the tune in terms if injector scaling data isn't bang on. I had to go back to my tuner like 5 times or more and they've fixed it 90% with just changing the fuel reg n altering the tune.

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 8d
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I know of 3 FGs with a stalling issue. Two did it whilst stock and couldn't be rectified and one when tuned.

Is it a 2009 model?

Mine apparently did it whilst stock, and continued to do it whilst modified. However it has not stalled like it used to for over a year since I changed the throttle body. Examination of the old throttle body was a misaligned butterfly which I easily rectified by undoing the two screws just a little, closing the throttle completely and tightening up the screws, but I just left the secondhand one I bought on.

But I still suffer from fluctuating idle depending on the weather. Warm weather is fine, colder weather it starts..

Please post your resolve if your tuner manages to solve it

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  • Member For: 20y 6m 9d
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I have the same issue since being tuned aswell.It doesn't happen all the time and I just put car in neutral when approaching lights.Car is with tuner at moment trying to resolve it

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  • Member For: 20y 6m 9d
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  • Location: N/W Sydney

Fuel reg just before the fuel rail has been a noticeable issue with quite a few who have been suffering stalling issues at idle on e85.

I have a Turbosmart fuel pressure regulator in mine so that should rule out that being the cause

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  • Member For: 11y 6m 3d

I've got a walbro 460 pump and upgraded reg in from Kpm so not to sure it's just weird doesn't do it all the time. I called the tuner today and they told me to disconnect the battery for a hour and let the car relearn its idle and if that doesn't fix it I'll have to put a aftermarket fuel reg in it so see how it goes

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