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Car Won't Rev Past 4000Rpm

Evil XR6T

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 3m 19d
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  • Location: Townsville

Hey guys,

Already searched this and I couldn't find anything on it, so I hope I'm not annoying anyone if I repeat something already said.

I'm not 100% sure this is the right forum for it either, but it's probably the most likely, so here it goes...

I got my car back from the tuner the other day, first tune, lots of go fast bits and made good power. Driving out I was more worried about getting used to the power and wasn't paying much attention to anything else. I really only revved it until boost came on cause I didn't have the space to let her run free. Eventually I looked down and my speedo wasn't working. Upon finishing work that night, I had the roads to myself, so I decided to let loose on the way home, but the car would get to 4000rpm, and then is loose all throttle. It doesn't sound like a limiter bash, it just gets to 4 grand and it's like I've taken my foot off the throttle.

Being a bit annoyed with this, I took it back to the tuner. He's a good guy and assures me it was all working on their road test, and just put it down to bad timing. He didn't have space in his workshop to fix it that day, but he said bring it back next week and he'd figure it out.

The controller brings up a speedo error code and the tuner said it could be as simple as a dirty abs sensor (which are filthy). So I'm gonna give them a clean and hope the stall at 4000 stops when the speedo starts working again.

If anyone could shed some light on the situation, it would be very helpful !!!

Thanks !!!

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 3m 19d
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  • Location: Townsville

Yeah, gonna do that when I get home this arvo. Just thought those abs sensors make sense considering the speedo fault and the loss of power at 4G. someone suggested checking them in a speedo forum, but I never heard anything else about it.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 3m 19d
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  • Location: Townsville

Only had new coils put in about a year ago, but maybe they can't handle the new found power. It changes it's mind when I wants to cut out now. Mostly 4G, but sometimes 5G. Frustrating !!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 3m 19d
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So we figured it out after a few runs on the dyno.

The speedo problem was due to a fault rear ABS sensor, which he has bypassed until we get the parts. Now the speedo works perfectly.

The 4000rpm cut out problem was caused by a safety feature my tuner put in the tune. Basically it was a safety cutout if boost got above a certain PSI, ensuring a bit of safety for my weak BA block. It was cutting out because my boost solinoid was faulty and wanst opening my waste gate, therefore, FULL BOOST !!!

I must admit, when he took the PSI cutout off, it pulled a 372rwkw run. After fiddling with the tune trying to get the boost solinoid responding again (and alot of WD40) it pulled 377rwkw at 4500rpm before he lifted off.... Very glad to see the potential, but sad I have to wait till I get a new motor to play with it.

Needless to say, just waiting on a new boost solinoid and then a safe tune, lol.

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