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Vic Police Adjust Mobile Speed Camera Rules;cameras To Be Concealed


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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The public, in general, feel safer as a community, when hi visibility policing occurs.

If all the 'hoons'' for example, saw a HWP car sitting on a main road, doing speed checks, RBT, or ANPR, chances are they won't chuck a skid in a few klms time. And possibly a crim scoping out houses to break into, may find a suburb with a bit less po po attention.

A unmarked kluger however, with no sign writing to state what it there for, only achieves one thing, revenue for the state government.

I'd feel safe with a big burly man like you in uniform outside my house..... :wub:

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How do you stop this so called revenue raising!?


I'm not fussed where there parked or hiding, I got no problem with it at all.


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  • I <3 Floods
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Controlled speeds cause more accidents than preventing them.


Also congrats to NT for opening up sections of Stuart hwy to an unlimited speed. At least we have a progressive gonverment somewhere in Australia.




Ahh f*ck it too lazy to argue..

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  • 777
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Cops are visible alright! Just yesterday on the way to Canberra and back, 4 highway patrols parked on the way to Canberra all from around 09:00 - 12:00.

2 cars pulled over by highway patrols on the way there one was 2 cars in front of me just past Merulan. The other was just outside Yass by a Marked Pajero

and on the way back 2 undercovers and 3 marked highway patrol cars.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
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There is no logic for this change outside of the bleeding obvious. Show me some data that proves hidden speed cameras decrease deaths from speeding and I will support this rubbish.

How does hiding speed cameras encourage people to slow down when they don't know the camera is there?

Edited by _Velocity_
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  • I <3 Floods
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I can show you some data that shows how effective speed cameras were when they were first introduced.. And how effective they have been every year since..

My conclusion..

They need to find another new scare tactic.. Cause that one ain't working anymore..

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Glad I don't live in North Korea, I mean Victoria. It is all about making money for the government. Speeding is a scape goat, so the can look like they are doing something to lower the road toll, but in reality it is to earn money. In fact if you look into the research, increased speed limits generally reduce road tolls on highways.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
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The Victorian state government should really take a look at the Federal election. Do they really think they will win a majority next election when they are barely hanging on to a minority at the moment (similar to the last Labour federal governement)? Come the next state election AMEP will win seats and then who will be laughing?

The people are fed up with these fat cats and soon they'll be taking cricket bats to these revenue wands.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Please tell me your research didn't come out of a wheels magazine?

Blah blah blah blah blah blah..

The gist of it is that Australia's road network isn't suited to the situation that would allow increased limits and lower road toll..

Think of it this way.. If you have 400km between two cities.. Along the way there is 17 towns. You bounce in speed, 110 then 60 for a town, then 110, then 70 because a truck hasn't accelerated enough yet.. Increased speed limits aren't going to do sh*t..

If you had 400kms between two cities and only 1 or 2 townships between them.. Provided road conditions are suitable you might actually benefit from an increased limit..

But then you have the road condition requirements..

Anyone driven in Victoria recently?

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