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Fluffy's Actual Car Thread! 8-0

Mrs Jeturbo

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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
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  • Member For: 15y 5m 19d
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  • Location: SA

So while getting the car up to scratch for the drifts we encountered a massive issue...

My milkshake brought all the boys to the yard lol


Long story short the place who (500kms ago) put on a new head gasket and put the roller rockers etc in the new engine have a bit to explain. They were meant to instal a new msl metal gasket and put the cams and rocker stoppers into this engine which was a rebuilt engine.

Anyway we don't know where sh*t went south but trying to figure it out and the shop is denying any responsibility so we are stuck and just gotta do it.


Found an engine with a spun bearing for $150 and have another head that is fine just a few pits and stuff.

So out of another engine and another head and the head on it we can hopefully make something work.

So today in a couple spare hours I started taking the head off




So I'm at the point of everything is disconnected and taken apart it's time to do the lifting of the head.

But lil hudo was requiring my assistance at that point lol so I had to leave it be for today and will crack it off soon and see what the go is :)

Also while she's out of action gonna take a few bits to powder coat and tidy the engine bay up and give her a good clean up

Edited by Princess Fluffy
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  • Bob the Freaking Builder
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 15y 5m 19d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: SA

So finished ripping the head off and it looks like the head warped.

Long story short the shop who did the work didn't do the right thing and now were stuck fixing it

So here are some happy snaps


The gasket also failed



So apparently this is the hardest job u can do on an sr so a least I will know the engine back to front now lol

Laid all spares and bits out


Also picked up a second hand motor to use as a spare


Then for around to some fun stuff... Painting some bits to go on the car...

I have three sponsors stickers being made ATM to match my colour scheme so the car will look pretty good I hope




This is the final colour. The wheels will look the same in the morning when completely dry


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  • Member For: 12y 3m 7d

drift car eh? yep, your going to learn how to use plenty of zip ties fix EVERYTHING :mosking:

I remember playing with a mates sil80, before it had a 5.7L transplant, the timing chain marks are a little bit 'unique'CamPulley_resize.JPG

hope that helps

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