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Dont Want To Clock Up The K's


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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 2m 1d

Harsh. I got pinged 112 in a 70 zone. Went to court over it and claimed not guilty to all charges. Fought tooth and nail with the prosecuter and officer claiming there story was incorrect and they used the wrong techniques in recording my speed. Ended up being cleared of all chanrges and let go. Also learnt that the magistrate has access to more then just your driving record.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 13y 2m 1d

U need a solid case. I was booked by a speed checker that is required by law to measure your speed for 3 second or 100m. And I gave it a boot full from the lights and then stopped at another set of lights 200m away. Also I showed proof that the police bike was going faster then I was as he nearly crashed into the back of me when I jumped on the brakes lol

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  • Member For: 15y 2m 27d

I did some research on the equipment that was used by the officer travelling towards me ........and from the information I obtained - basically - if the equipment used has been shown to tested and stamped as 'operational' within the 12mths of use - then you are stuffed ..........you 've no grounds to appeal the infringement ..Further, it wasnt until the unmarked car was sitting on my rear bumper like a espiode of Mad Max , did I realise I was f ***ked .........

So , there was no point , me pleading not guilty , as I did nt have any grounds to contest the infringement ..

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Hang in there mate! Remember the bright side - it will be worth the wait at least. Saving those kms :)

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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  • Member For: 19y 2m 5d
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Today , was a day I will not forget in a hurry. It was my day in court . Present and accounted for in front of the Magristrates' , prosecutor, and the general public ..

In short , the Magistrate asked if I agreed with the prosecutors brief ? , I did . I was then advised , by pleading guilty to the charge , I was in line to receive as a minimum 12mth suspension .. I stated I understood and confirmed , I would again plead guilty . I was asked then asked whether I wished to have representation ? . I replied , I would represent myself , and I had no character reference to rely on. I was asked to be seated ... As the prosecutor , explained the brief in detail, my leg started to shake , as I thought it was possible I had taken the wrong route in my effort to mininmise the damage . I was then allowed the right of reply ..I stated my case , held my breath as I waited for the Magistrate to pass down his decision.

The Magistrate stated he had taken in account my guilty plea, my account of the traffic infringement , and driving history , and pass the order to suspend my license for 12mths , pay court costs of $70 and a fine of $500 payable within 30 days .

Now starts the pain !!!

Let me start of with sorry to hear. The difference between you and most in this forum is you got caught.

However kiddies there is a lesson in here.

The person who represents himself, has a fool for a lawyer.

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My intel suggested over and over that to engage in representation was a waste of money as the magistrate was bound by law to at **least** effect the min penalty..I think as I achieved this I feel my respresentation of oneself was a success. Although I am unable to change anything now I dont see how a costly lawyer would have altered anything - except in reducing the fine.

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  • www.australianflag.org.au
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  • Member For: 19y 2m 5d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Brisbane

You may very well be right. Mate I've been there done that just not hot caught.

Well not entirely true got done 45 over in a hundred zone. My then NT licence saved my ass.

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  • Member For: 15y 2m 27d

Victorian Police not contend with suspending my license for 12mths - send me a letter today stating that I have now incurred 8 demerit points from the date of the infringement ... Nasty !!!

At least they dated last year and not from the date of the court date .. I am still sooooo angry

Edited by Spinning
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