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Dont Want To Clock Up The K's


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Daily drive it, learn to love driving it sedately and every now and then finding a "time and place" as they say.

If you are passionate about it, DO NOT SELL.

It will be yet another regretful tale of "yeah I had a sweet car like that, wish I never sold it..."

I live by the above.

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You're right!! I should n't have never doubted it. Took the bat mobile for a spin today with my son, and both of us had a smile from ear to ear. Agreed , whether driving it, sitting as a passenger , while the young feller driving and being so happy to allow him the experience he will never forget , it hard to think I will ever let the car go.. Period.... !!!

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Some can change cars every few years without feeling sorry to see the old one go, but if you get attached to one it becomes a tough call, and you want to be sure you don't regret it later.

Not that it's the end of the world, if I had to give mine up due to both of us losing jobs or something I'd do it...but it would have to be about that severe! Plus I've finished paying it off this year so outgoings are much lower now :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Who else is out there , in a similar position - and what have you done to overcome those thoughts that haunt you whilst alone ?

Feel your pain - been there and done that almost twice.......

My 20 odd years of driving good luck had come to an end about 4 years ago when I got done by a Multinova doing 185klm. As no cops were actually involved the car was not confiscated.

Two weeks later (yes two weeks later) I was coming off an off ramp and nailed it out of the corner and got pinged again this time by a cop on the gun doing 135 in an 80 zone ...who looked like all his Christmas's came at once when he got me.

Knew I was screwed but with some fast talking he actually let me off the potential hoon charge but pinged me with 8 points and $1,000 on the spot fine...ouch...but could have been worse...much worse if I got charged for a second offence under the hoon laws. So for the first time in my life I can honestly say I was happy to pay a speeding fine.

Then came the photo in the mail re my earlier multinova indiscretion, I owned up to it, got a lawyer, we fronted court and got charged with hooning. Licence suspended. No car confiscated though.

A day after the court case the missus and I are travelling to Albany from Perth on a short holiday. Obviously she is driving. She's speeding a little so I tell her to slow down..........you can imagine the response......fair enough!!

Couple of minutes up the road sure enough a cop coming the other way flashes his lights and does a u-turn and we pull over. Says she was speeding and asks for her licence which she obliges. Cop says her licence has expired (she had changed her address and didn't get the renewal in the mail) and therefore doesn't have a current drivers licence ......WTF!!! So my immediate thought is that well be going back to Perth in a flatbed with the car on the back cos neither of us can drive!!.

Anyway the cop asks if I can drive. Hmmm don't think so was my reply. But here's my licence perhaps you can check. He goes back to the car does his check and says yes my licence is current and that I can drive....interesting!

So I jump in the drivers seat and drive to the next town where the missus pays her licence and then she continues to drive......a little slower now.

Loss of licence was painful. I naturally got it back but still had the 8 points and a few other points from other previous recent speeding fines racked up on my record, leaving me with 2 points left to get by on for the next 3 years until they are wiped.

Knowing my car has persuasive speeding traits, I realise the only way I'm going to get through the next 3 years is not to drive it. So I park it at the back of the garage for the next three years. I didn't incur any more demerit points in those next three years and now have a no demerit points to this day.

I'm a changed man....or so I thought. I actually pulled the car out the other day for the first time in years and took it for a drive. Gee's I can't bloody help myself and just had to give it a bit of a squirt or three. However, my earlier indiscretions were still vividly etched in my memory and my brain kicked in...or was it paranoia when I thought every car on the road now could be an undercover cop.

Yep paranoia had kicked in and I drove back home and parked it down the back of the garage again knowing that my licence is at risk when driving it. So looks like I will continue to drive my stock G6ET which is a fair bit slower than the nearly 400 rwhp S15. Its not that bad of a compromise really.

In all honesty the smart thing to do would be for me to sell it. Remarkably the missus actually thinks I should keep it because of the time and coin I've spent on it and that it only has 46,000klm's on the clock for a 12 year old car ........it's still virtually brand new.

As much as I love it I can't see the point of keeping it parked down the back of the garage though........that's just cruel!!

Edited by juggernaut
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I hear ya ..............I dont fear the dermit points and fines ........I understand why and can accept those penalties - however , I cant come to grips with the crown taking possession of my car and then reducing it to the size of a zero coke can ... I still to this day , have always thought that they would be talking about someone else - someone who I never pictured as me .. I have never associated my little indiscrections in the way I have recently been made to feel .. It's also sad , that all the years of driving with very little infractions - none in the past 10 years - amounts to nothing .......It 's sad , that my indiscretion amounts to the same/equal penalty as those of lesser driving records ..

I dont want to sell the car . the batmobile brings me so much joy , when I drive it - but I now find myself - talking to it , asking it to be patient with me , and asking that it does nt talk to me and force me to hear the supercharger whine and exhaust bello .... and continual ask it to refrain for singing and to remain calm and restrait ... but it is of no use !! Blame the batmobile , blame the driver - the end result is it is going to end up in tears ........for me and the charging officer/tow truck driver - I 've a feeling the batmobile is going to make the nine o'clock news - as I am chased across multiple towns and states ..hahahah - reminds me of a scene in Smokey and thge Bandit ..

Should I sell ?, should I lock it away? (lock it away - why the hell then would I hold on to it ???)

Its funny , I can drive any other car , - as I do my daily drive , and I am fine !!! , but step in the batmobile , and I am a sad case !!!

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  • Im the one and only
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Mate.There is a time and a place to give it a squirt.You have to be careful and be aware of your surroundings.It dont stop me from driving spirited but im always careful of where I do it.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 10d
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What he said.

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  • 1 month later...
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The brief has arrived and I have a day in court - May 2014 .............I 've the brief checked by someone I trust , and it confirmed that I am f _ _ k _ d !... I am not angry , as I understand , that I was speeding , and it does not matter how I serve up the explaination - it was speeding , and I broke the law ..

I just hope for my sake ...........that between now and my day in court that the said Magristrate doesnt have a string of matters brought to his attention where by as a result of someone speeding , it has personally affected the ';Magristate , their firends and or family '............because , as I understand it , the minimum penalty I can get is a suspension of licence for 12mths , but the Magristrate can elect to provide me with a longer suspension period , followed by an cancellation of license ...

I am will certainly have my best suit on and shoes polished on the day ...........fingers crossed the Magristate will be in a forgiving and understanding frame of mind , and who knowns maybe a fan of the 'Hero Car' ......hahah :surrenderwave:

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  • Im the one and only
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  • Member For: 20y 1m 27d
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I had a simliar thing years ago for speeding and the magistrate should have sentenced me to a minimum of 1 year suspension but he gave me my license back. Go figure.... I even represented myself as well....

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Yes all you speeders need to learn that this a penile colony run by Convicts for the sole purpose of implementing a 60% effective Tax rate and as many automated revenue raisers as technology can provide!

I just got off the bench after a six month stint and will vent my frustrations on the unrestricted speed limit roads in the NT doing 300kms/hr with my arse hanging out!

Edited by dannyhc
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