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Dont Want To Clock Up The K's


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  • Member For: 15y 2m 27d

Wahoo !!! The bat mobile and I are as one again .. It was all good - covered in dust from head to toe and no signs of being driven .. Close look found no fool play - Phew !! Not sure how I would reacted and responded if I found something wrong . The smile has returned - anyway for now - until the letter comes about my disqualification .

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  • Im the one and only
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: In my house

Chin up.Your car is safe again and you will live to fight another day.Just highlights the fact that these new hooning laws apply to us elder individuals aswell.LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 15y 2m 27d

No !! .........Everyone keeps telling me , that they 've woken up to their error - finally realizing their mistaken and error in judgement , and it s the last I will hear of it .. I know that they 're just trying to keep me positive , as they know , as do I, that I will be going to hell and back on a daily basis , when I finally lose it.

I 've sort some professional advise from people in the business whom I trust - and they 've stated , save your money on fighting the loss of license , and use the money in cab vouchers hahahahah, as , unless (which today is very unlikely) the charging officer has made a mistake in their brief - you're wasting your time and money challenging the matter .

So ......I guess , I am playing a waiting game , and as soon I get the notice , I will confirm !!!

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  • Member For: 15y 2m 27d

Note ...............I am still very much thinking with each passing day , whether I should continue to live with batmobile moving forward - knowing , any slip up , it could mean surrender the vehicle to the Crown ..............Oh dear ...............I cant swallow that at all ...........I am afraid what might happen , if that was the case ......However , how do move away from the car that gives you so much - makes you smile , makes you giggle inside , makes you recall the fun of the 70's , and as you look across to the guy sitting in the car next to you - makes you want to shout out - its a GT , its mine , and I love it - Wahoooooooooooooooooooo! (PS............I never have said that , but I wish I could !hahah)

Last night after work, I when into the garage and had a talk to the car , and I am sure it said 'dont sell me , I am yours , and I promise in the future , I will behave , and tread more carefully '.................I said , 'I know , its not your fault but mine ....' and I then stated 'how can we move foreward? , will it be fair to take you out for a spin , only to travel at 60k's ???...............' No reply was heard !!!

There lies my problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please - help is required

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  • Im the one and only
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: In my house

Cant say that im that close to my car :ermm:

Dont over think it man..Just drive it......

Edited by FPV TRANNY
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