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Pedders Tech Check


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Has anyone out there got any experience of taking their vehicle in for the "no obligation" pedders tech check?

My 2010 FG on 77,000km has a little bit of rumble and knock from the front suspension, not to mention the horrible dry creaking when manoeuvring at full steering lock. Like most of us, I absolutely love my XR6 Turbo and want to keep it pristine.

The car is still under warranty for a couple of months, so I'm keen to get ford to cover the components and labour where possible. I don't want to be fobbed off by the ford dealer servicing centre saying nothing is wrong, likewise I don't want to walk in there with an excessive report from a pedders franchise saying just about everything is wrong, only to be laughed at.

1. Does anyone have experience of good pedders in the Sydney area where you'll get advice without them trying to win a bit of work?

2. Has anyone had issues with them advising that work MUST be done there and then before they give back the car?

3. Does anyone have any experience as to what suspension components the ford dealership will or won't cover under the warranty?

Whilst I have no reason to suspect that either party will be looking to mug me off and I'm not in to slandering honest businesses, I am keen to hear of peoples thoughts and experiences on this.



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I've had the check down at 3 pedders, 2 said to change a few bushes which when I changed them were still fine. One was the only one to actually find my problem. Lucky it was only $20 each time.

None required me to go back there. They do provide quotes for things to be changed though if you choose to go with them. I just changed all the parts myself.

Ford may or may not come to the party, its better to have them assess the car, and maybe take the pedders report with you. They will replace shagged bushes if they're bad and you're nice about it

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Cheers for that Advice Bellato, I will get her checked out by someone in advance then. May be I'll sling the mechanic across the road $60.00 an ask him to do a one page write up with photographs instead. That might be something a bit more credibvle to take to ford and not waste their time either.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Yet Ive had nothing but good experience with the local pedders, and im the worst kind of customer. A picky furker that thinks he knows what he's talking about.

They carried out there Checks on both my parents AU's and I did the work. All the work listed was work that was required and nothing else.

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They will inspect mostly everything for an obligation free $14. If you're going to take a quote to Ford this is perfect for you.

Edited by _Velocity_
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Theres a good reason they have a Bull as a mascot

Best spend your money elsewhere


I rang pedders to get a wheel alignment. Was rudely told it was $120 and that it couldn't be done on a Saturday. I then rang bob Jane who happily told me to bring it in on Saturday and charged me $55 to have it done. Up yours, pedders
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