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Battlefield 4


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Asus have just brought out a 120/144hz monitor running at native 1440p.. 695$ though but no doubt itll get cheaper. Best of both worlds!

Higher rez is much prettier, I dont ever run my fps games at max because id rather have extra frames showing more information than more lighting effects, the beauty often gets in the way of gunplay so I dumb it down (mix of med/high graphics - locked it to 125 and never get spikes)

I play with my pen*s aswell, while im on the pc looking at things not game related.

Edit: YES! everyone forgets this!!, people always bring up the affordability of pcs compared to consoles but then sling 80+ on a new game. We get em for 50 on release and steam/origin/humble bundles sling AAA titles for mere dollars come sales time. Youtubers also have g2a sites with discount codes to get pc games even cheaper. It definetly works out in favor of the pc in a 12 month span, dont like the chair? Sling the hdmi in to the tv from the tower, whack on a wired xbox controller and you have a super console :D

Edited by AzMahoony
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I was going to mention the recliner Ads but you got to it first! I have an asus laptop for my pc gaming and years ago created an ingenious methods of using mouse and keyboard (in my case the laptop!) In the recliner. A cheap piece of mdf 8-10mm from Bunnings (or the shed) was best for no sag with heavy laptops, take a jigsaw and cut out a semi-large circle for your guts and wolla a nice table that spans the recliner arms...

Pic of dodgey setup to follow!

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Not in a recliner but you get the gist of it...

(Ignore sh*tfight on kitchen table)

Edited by bjc
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  • To Loud
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I know of another Secret that Az is holding off on us. He has NBN and so does not suffer from LAG/latency.

Yes he does have an awesome rig which definitely contributes, but he also has all the time in the world to be practising. I will admit that I am a sore looser, but you also need to see why.

I know I don't play as much as he does, but I do play well. I know that small things like setting up the resolution for your mouse also helps with reaction time.

Not many people mess around with their mouse settings.

I also change things like motion blurr for bf4 and turn it off. all these little advantages do add up and make you a better gamer, however I know that I can play just as well as Az at times.

That is what frustrates me the most is that I do not have the benefit/option of getting NBN and I doubt I will ever get it in my neighbourhood.

I will most probably have to move houses if I want NBN. :(


In regards to setting up a new rig, listen to what Az has said. I use to be a big fan boy of AMD as I was always on a budget.

However ever since I got myself an intel i7 920 CPU, I will never look back. it is not worth the hassles with the CPU.

I do have dual R9 - 280 black editions cards, but I am starting to see the light more and more by the day.

There is no extra benifit in getting dual graphics cards as you use more power to run the rig. If you can afford a single card, you will benifit even more.

The other thing to keep in mind is which card is the game designed for.

I have come to the conclusion that all of the battlefield series games were designed for Nvidia. There is extra benifit in getting an nvidia card as there is physicsX. AMD do not have this.

I plan on getting rid of both my cards to jump ship, but this will only happen once I see the results from playing Tom Clancy's Division!

If I could do it again, I would get a single Nvidia 780 or even the Titan card that Az has.

Oh and I am waiting for the 4K resolution screens to come out as well at a decent price so that it can complement the Titan card. :)

Happy gaming.

Edited by masda74
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130inch scope screen.

Happy gaming atm and have tomorrow free also woot as daughter is in Kindy again!

I've got NBN also but am with Exetel still and they are f*cked now! I'm in Nth Qld and their ip is in Sydney whereas Telstra closest would be Brisbane for me. Speeds are all over the shop unlike Telstra who are steady at 98/38mb currently with a mates speed tests down the road...

Exetel are cheap compared to Telstra though but after the pain I just went through with then fixing my fibre line I think I'll move into someone else!

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Asus have just brought out a 120/144hz monitor running at native 1440p.. 695$ though but no doubt itll get cheaper. Best of both worlds!

Hmm, I'd probably need a little more grunt than my gtx780 can provide for 1440p and 144hz (I've already overclocked the sh*t out everything). I'll probably pick up a gtx980 when it launches soon and think about this. The only problem I see with that monitor is that it still uses a TN panel. I prefer IPS panels they give way better viewing angles and colour reproduction.

I too have NBN, it doesn't make me a better player though. Probably because I don't play as much now :( My BF4 stats are worse than my BF3 stats.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Anyone getting ahold of Battlefield Hardline? Open beta comes out this tuesday, full release by the end of the month by the looks of it.

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Am definitely gonna try out the beta. I'm kinda hoping it's really different to BF3/4 because I'm very board of those now, the cops and robbers theme sounds alright and the objective game modes look worth playing this time round.

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  • To Loud
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BF hardline is just like COD. I played the beta/trial last year for all of 10 minutes and then un-installed it.'

Hated it with a passion. Nothing like the BF3 and BF4 games. all small maps and close combat with cars, motorcycles and swat vans.

If they have other maps, like the bigger maps in BF4, I might consider it.

Otherwise I may as well just wait for GTA5 on pc.

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I haven't played COD since Black Ops. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it, it has changed a fair bit since that initial beta, hence why they're having a second one.

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