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Battlefield 4


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Wish I had money to upgrade/buy new pc for bf4. I had bf3 on pc and 360 but now ive got bf4 on xb1. So far seems not to bugged on there, second assault map pack with the bf3 maps is wicked. My only beef now is theyve nerfed Jihad Jeeping so I cant pull swiftys on tanks anymore :( lol

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 8m 18d
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

How did they nerf it bud? I haven't tried beepbeepjeep in bf4 but I've been busy SUAV'ing people on the new china rising maps

(Flying a little hand held plane around and roadkilling people like the MAV in bf3 lol)

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 8m 18d
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

I've got a decent rig with a 4gb 680 and I play on medium graphics for a healthy framerate (usually get around 120fps) yet I'll constantly get frame drops to around 40 then back up again, in a fire fight its extremely frustrating as any pc gamer will tell you lost frames in a fps is detrimental. .

Its not the pc either cause natural selection 2 im locked to 120 on high settings without a single drop same goes for need for speed rivals which is built on the same engine

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Yeah my computers about 4 years old and my xb1 has better gear in it then the pc, mine still has an old nvidia gtx260 haha. I was running bf3 at medium on it so I havent even bothered with bf4 yet as a mate has a pretty good pc, similar specs to yours and said he was running medium as well.

As far as jihad jeeping goes I loaded up a jeep and rammed it into a stationary tank and set it off and all it did was a 21 vehicle damage score and blew the jeep to sh*t lol was quite pissed cause then the tank just turned around and blew me away.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 8m 18d
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

Maybe the positioning of the c4 makes a difference. A mate of mine has no probs with c4 ramming tanks/AAs with the dirtbike/quad from what he tells me.

Yeah mate I mean at the end of the day I could probably run it on ultra with anti-anilaising (sp) on etc but I get 60-70 max and when you splurge that little extra to get a 120hz monitor you want to see the benefits.

I was on the 360 for bf3 but moved to pc earlier in the year and now I cant play on controller at all, only car games make use of the controllers I have lol

Edited by turboboink
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  • Member For: 14y 11m 8d
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Yeah might of been me just being a gumby with the c4 lol I was the same but the other way, all I ever played was pc games for like the last 5 years and then started playing console at the start of the year and I was hopeless for the first few days, just couldnt get me head round it lol now im not too bad but wouldnt mind a new computer sometime next year. Then ill be on bf4 for sure once that happens.

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