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C'mon Pete, I can imagine you loving giving out 'the chops' to people all the time. Racing 70 year old ladies in there scratched up old 93 corolla's.... Don't deny it... haha.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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11 hours ago, stiv6 said:

Does anyone sell these GTX 3576 turbos for under $2000 any more ??


Looking at putting one on my car running E85, manual box.

Will be replacing a PTE 6235.

What's happening with the pte? 

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Good call camo! I have committed to the Borg Warner path now, and may sell the GTX soon - I think its done about 7000km's.


@Stiv6 - what happened to your 6235? In a manual the instant boost of the little GTX is a lot of fun. In second gear I get the "tututu" backing off at 50km/hr. Having said that the GTX sounds like a little girl sneezing compared to PTE - I think the front surge cover makes the difference.


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  • Puff
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On 12/2/2015 at 3:37 PM, velocityxr6t said:

So it does seem the consensus is this is the best set-up for a quick street car. But why does everybody seem to want to be the fastest guy between a set of lights? That just leads to fines, loss of licence and even loss of the vehicle these days. How often are you actually using even this baby turbo to it's full potential on the street?

Also, how much does a quick squirt against someone on the street mean? A myriad of things not to do with either car could determine a winner. I've been given the chopped sign when I didn't even realise I was in a "race" lol

I understand it depends what you want to use the car for. But the only place you could really open up the car is a track. And the bigger turbo is king there. Unless you plan on running nothing but tight, low gear, technical circuit tracks. In which case you should probably sell the taxi and buy an Evo or similar.

All my opinion obviously. I'd be interested to read others ideas on the questions I've posed.

Here's my 2 cents fwiw.


I've tuned my car (gtx modded 3582) so I can stall it up on the brake, so if I was racing from lights then turbo size is irrelevant for me at least.


As for using the turbo to it's full potential, I have it turned up to an appropriate level for my current hardware limitations. It still has a bit left in it.


It also helps that I live in the sticks with higher speed zones so I can floor it safely and legally every time I go for a drive.


I prefer a bigger turbo so I can have more power. Each to his or her own I say.



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