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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Thought this was a good comparison to show in particular the low down spool of GTX3576R v GTX3582R.

Both cars tuned by Profile. Of note, my car is making 750Nm at 2750rpm - the 82R vehicle 550Nm. At 3,000rpm I'm making more power also. At 4,000rpm the bigger legs are making 25rwkw more and then big strides to redline. The 82R was also running E85.



Edited by Bomber
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The difference is subtle, but it's there ->

FG-XR6T Turbo (see it's a 7+7 bladed compressor wheel, whereas the below one is a 6+6 compressor "GT style" wheel)


GT3582R (BA/BF & FG FPV turbocharger).


With regard to it being called a "3540" this is a misnomer. It's not actually a GT3540 as no such turbo exists - this name hints it is a hybrid between GT35 and GT40 series turbo - this is almost true.

To the left of the compressor cover nipple you will see some raised alloy on the cover....both covers have a different shape and as mentioned the inlet is easy to identify if 3576 or 3582.

Apologise if I missed this already being stated about the raised alloy on the cover.

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  • Carnage on the Garage Floor
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Of note, you will notice a near identical climb then flatten as they build power. In my case, I had a small of creep which Clinton attributes to the Turbosmart actuator. The other car is running a 45mm external Turbosmart gate plumbed to an OEM 1.06 housing.

Have heard this from a couple of tuners now. The consensus being, the diaphragms aren't that sensitive and don't work 100% with the factory boost solenoid. I'll be putting this to the test when the car returns for a Garrett 12psi actuator and trim up.

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To the left of the compressor cover nipple you will see some raised alloy on the cover....both covers have a different shape and as mentioned the inlet is easy to identify if 3576 or 3582.

Apologise if I missed this already being stated about the raised alloy on the cover.

Apology accepted ;) haha

Volute differences, too.

Around where the nipple is, doesn't continue on the FG XR6T turbocharger, but it does on the GT3582R.

Also on the outlet, the FG XR6T turbocharger almost comes around full circle then very slightly back to "straighten out" before the airflow exits, where as the GT3582R comes around and straightens out before it goes "full circle" :)

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Thought this was a good comparison to show in particular the low down spool of GTX3576R v GTX3582R.

Both cars tuned by Profile. Of note, my car is making 750Nm at 2750rpm - the 82R vehicle 550Nm. At 3,000rpm I'm making more power also. At 4,000rpm the bigger legs are making 25rwkw more and then big strides to redline. The 82R was also running E85.

I'm not sure the transfer case in my TT would take that much torque from GTX3576R! The GTX3582R on the other hand may go very well but I can envision both front and rear single wheel spinning occurring on either of those turbos...

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Well I'll kick this topic again... Not sure why I'm putting this here but I love to derail everything in my life so....

I put a fully sik ULAH spec Supercheap pod filter ($15 on special!) on the intake right above the intake plenum and next to the throttle body while I figure out how the fck to mount a battery bracket in the standard airbox location!

The increase in turbo spool and shhhhoooshing noise was so epically huge that I let out a couple of "Yew" and "Fcking Chooooice" noises followed by some hard laughter so as much as I'd love to I doubt I'll be upgrading to a GTX now as this is fairly brutal when taking off in first gear as it is!

My goals now will be to get the 4in dump pipe and increase exhaust size (maybe put another 3in alongside the standard exhaust), move the intake to turbo side for the 4in or better yet I was thinking of having the standard airbox left where it is and get 4in piping from the turbo to the standard air box as there is a massive amount of room from the engine to the bonnet! The standard airbox has been butchered anyway so fitting a 4in pipe in it's backside won't matter and even though I love that Dyson like suction I think keeping it more quiet may be the go?

Here is the topic myself and Grego.77 are posting in about our TT's mods- HERE CNTS

Grego.77 is going all out for big power so I'm following him closely of course!

Dave (blueboost) mentioned to me that a generic 1.5lt surge tank and 044 will fit up the front somewhere and is cheap compared to buying a PW or other that still isn't suited to my car anyway and he also steered me away from the Walbro intank 460 purely because of surge problems with these cars...

Anyway...that'll do for now but one last thing I did buy the Kosij brothers ZF and transfer case from their Territory Turbo yesterday so I have that as a backup and can abuse the absolute fck out of mine now and say MEH to it.... :spoton:

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Lol your right, apart from GTX getting a mention it was all fairly irrelevant... Start your own build thread? Not enough build threads going on these days...

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Can anyone fill me in on what the NVH is like with the gtx? Looking to replace the 35/40 but I'm not a huge fan of the spooly goodness you get just poking around town with some setups. At the moment I like is as the noise comes on strong when there's a sniff of boost but doesn't sound like having a mack truck going through the gears when you're taking it easy

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