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Not lawyer yet.. 1 year from finish degree..

Means receptionist..

Actually no, that would be your mum.

As for my job, I work for a solicitor firm, under a barrister. Yes, I do at times act like a paper pusher, but I'm not a para legal after all.

As for other comments:

The testa is not a weekend car. I don't drive it due to value and it's low k's.

I didnt bring the car up as a bragging right as it means nothing at the end of the day. You can buy one for 100k.

As for the ba, it is a daily driver and will move on to mustang depending on ford's outcomes.

I am educating myself, worked 3 months without any financial support or wages just to land this job. Understand why the ba was the best choice for me?

Why do most of you go on hating and taking the piss out of others? Are your lives that terrible that being keyboard heroes gives you satisfaction that you attempted to bully someone else? I'm quite curious as to why a question and my anger with the expense has triggered most of you.

Also, to make something clear, my question was just answered by a member privately and another on this thread. Thank you to them both.

Btw, checked with my boss. You are to recieve your asset in the same way if not improved from when you dropped off to when you arrive to pay your bills. Any damage done by a mechanic is subject to that mechanic or employees regardless as they are taking responsibility of it. I was given an example of a car wash. If someone damages the paint or a polish job goes wrong and your spoiler falls off, it is not subject to wear and tear. If something brakes due to someone's actions, they are liable unless stated in their clauses snd it is signed before the client leaves their motor vehicle at your premesis.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Alright mate..

First things first. My Mother.. Say what you want about her.. Just don't ever say it to her face.. She eats lawyers for breakfast and their accountants for morning tea.. I love a good fight but I'm not stupid enough to pick them with my mother..

Secondly.. That post above.. Congratulations.. You are educating yourself like half of us freaking did.. But with that post you sound like most lawyers I have had to deal with while working. You are making a mistake of overlooking the history and focusing on the here and now.

Never had this problem before, seemed perfect to me. Problem was he didn't open easy, just kinda went at it. Then, when the ring fell in (had the top part in his hand though), he tried to get it out with pliers. When pulling out, he snapped it again into 1/2. Thus, 1/4 of the part was in my block.

Just sh*ts me that you pay for a service, and if something breaks upon their fault, it shouldn't be me paying for it.

For example, (an asset is still an asset, hence my example); IF someone is doing some pipework to your house (plumber), and they accidently broke a few bricks, they would replace it at their cost. It's their fault. NOW, if a mechanic changes the oil for your brakes and by accident the caliper or something else falls off and brakes...is it my fault and thus my expense?

Where's the line that you cross where someone who is being paid to maintain or fix something, has an accident, and then your still liable? If this is the case, then performance mechanics should have pritty low insurance premiums if their is limited public liability and professional indemnity....

This thread was going swimmingly with myself included providing some advice right until you made this post. This is about the point where the thread took a nose dive off the interwebz high trolling board. Most of us are very happy with our lives and the keyboard 'heroes' don't kick in until something stupid is said. You just completely ignored any advice or information anyone provided before this post.
In my eyes you took your problem (An Apple) and you compared it to a completely different problem (an Orange)..
You had a very good mechanic tell you it's a rather common problem, with the caps getting brittle with age. How the mechanic 'went at it' I have no idea.. But to me unless he was using a monkey wrench to open the oil cap then any force he applied by his hand alone causing the cap to fail is the result of a brittle cap.. By all means if he was using a pipe wrench to get the oil cap off and it broke yes he's liable. Me personally? I've never daintily opened an oil cap in my life.. It's never struck me as a part that requires 'a light or erotic touch'.
You are also coming into a forum where many many people have experience in small business (many members are small business operators or have been), so they are giving you their opinion from the position of a small business operator. I strongly believe if you want to be successful in your chosen profession (not just for lawyers but for everything), you need to be able to 'Put the shoe on the other foot'.
To me even your example in the last post isn't comparable to your problem. If someone knocks your spoiler off while cleaning your car.. Yes they buggered up.. However what if 3 of your spoiler bolts were sheared completely due to age and incorrect fitment (And only staying linked because the thread had grabbed the bolt hole) and the 4th was around 98% sheared and they applied sound and reasonable force to the spoiler while polishing and it fell off.. The part was at the point of failure when given to the car wash. So you could say their action caused the breakage.. But when their action was something that they do daily and rarely break them wouldn't you need to consider the condition the object was handed over in? Is it a car detailers job to undergo a mechanical inspection to determine whether the car is suitable to polish? What if he is backing it into his car wash bay and a valve in the engine decides to break, fall into the cylinder and grenade your block? Is that his fault if he was just reversing normally?
My two bob anyway..
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Wish you all the best, I apologise for the comment about your mother depressed panda or whatever your name is, but I will not be making any more comments on this forum. Not for me and not interested in waisting my time for trolling.

All the beat to you all, and wish you all nothing but health and happiness (not at my expense though).

Just one last thing, if someone goes at making 50k a year, gets a loan and buys a $600,000 property, does that make them rich? My car is worth 140,000 plus the ford, and I have a new mortgage now too. Does that make me rich cause my liabilities out way my assets? I dont think so.

Just remmeber, most of you have been modding cars most your lives. I havent, and saved 80% of all money I have ever earnt and never bought myself anything special except for a few items. Don't jude a book by its cover.

And regarding to life, you'll always need a solicitor and an accountant in life, even when you die (your will and taxes etc)

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Blah blah blah......

I'm going to lock this, mainly because it seems that it's turned personal.

SDP is a well respected member in here, he has had the last say on behalf of the forum, ill leave it at that.

For those who got a cheers in, great work.

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