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Minor Service Problems


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He has the rep to prove it so I doubt he will bother with proving it to you.

But if you have read some of the first buyers threads which go over the common issues you would note that is one, another one is turbo oil starvation. I hope you do some reading on here and find all these things you might need to consider with your new car.

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  • Sucker
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I am a in final year of commerce/law and just started with a solicitor firm...

That certainly shows. Give up on trying to argue your point by talking about contracts of service etc. as it just makes you look like a bit of a twat.

sh*t happens, the caps do get brittle and fail after time so no the workshop shouldn't be liable. For it to be the workshop's fault they would have to intentionally crush it and I really doubt that would be the case. Be grateful it happened under an expert hand and not in the middle of nowhere where it could have had some really serious implications.

Another example of this sort of thing is the bonnet release mechanism. If a mechanic is opening your bonnet and it breaks (as a result of fair wear and tear) then you will be paying to fix it.

All these guys are here to help, sometimes that involves taking the piss a little bit, don't lose sleep over it buddy.

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The issue I have is not about a lousy cap. It's about charging me 1 1/2 hrs to open the head gasket and collect it.

There is a contract of service, and it has nothing about damages.

Like explained earlier, where does the liability off the consumer occur?

If u have an operation and next day you have blood positioning or an infection like staff, indemnity and liability cover the hospital and surgeon as they are responsible.

So in comparison, when would the mechanic be liable?

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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You should use this "contract of service" and sue them..........

Oh and be sure to let us know how you go with that, wont you !!!

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Mcfarken lol city

If you indeed have any other problems with your car, be sure to start a new topic, or ask here

I'm sure there will be a flood of responses.........

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You should use this "contract of service" and sue them..........

Oh and be sure to let us know how you go with that, wont you !!!

Common sense is too expensive in time and expenses in suing a company if it's not thousands at stake.

Btw, I have asked a simple question, which I have repeated multiple times, and still no answer. Only replies are ones like yours, smart arse keyboard warrior comments that you use intended to insult me. However, all I can see is simple minded and ignorant.

The question AGAIN is on the lines of this: where does the liability of damage on a motor vehicle transfer to a mechanic when they are doing work to your motor vehicle?

I know that when tuning and when dyno running the car, you take full responsibility (upon signing a declaration).

Real answers to this question please, not ones that relate to the past posts.

Kind regards,

A fellow ford owner

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We're not lawyers so I can't answer that. Some on here are mechanics and have stated that they wouldn't be responsible.

Highly doubt your going to get the answer your looking for.

Just stir the trolls.

Mate you sound articulate and educated. Sell the Ford and buy a Skoda Superb.

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Thank you for being considerate Kimberley.

Love the car, but a lot of dramas with the BA mark 1 atm for me.

Waiting 2 years, and would like to see how the new mustangs will turn out.

If they do come out with the F6 power plant in the mustang, will be my choice rather than the 335 system.

Already saving :)

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