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Raising Speed Limits + Video


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  • Member For: 14y 1m 29d
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I think the problem with speed limits is people tend to focus on matching that speed, rather than focusing on driving to the conditions of the road. When I started driving I had an old LC Torana that could barely do 100 km/hr and I drove to the road conditions and the capabilities of my vehicle at the time. Many people these days think that technology and good tyres will save them when something unexpected happens. My motto, and this is what I stress to my 16 yo daughter who is learning to drive, is expect the unexpected. I think people should do skilled driving courses in their own car to learn its capabilities and theirs.

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  • Member For: 11y 8m 30d
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If a car can't do 100km, then don't go on a road that has a 100km/hr speed limit. If your car cannot do the speed limit on ANY road while taking into account the yellow triangle signs that suggest a speed to take a particular corner at, then take the car off the road! Make it road worthy and return it to the road and do the speed limit. A manufacturer will not bring a car into the market that doesn't have those capability's.

If a car can do all of these things while the weather is at least 85% clear and the driver does not go the speed limit then the driver is the problem.

The best thing that I will do after giving my children a driving education is ensure there car is fitted with good shocks and springs, good bushes all round the suspension system, good brakes, a wheel alignment, proper inspection of tyres and I will not buy the cheapest tyres if the shelf.

Give every other driver a break and take a taxi.

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 8m 30d
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I think the problem with speed limits is people tend to focus on matching that speed, rather than focusing on driving to the conditions of the road. When I started driving I had an old LC Torana that could barely do 100 km/hr and I drove to the road conditions and the capabilities of my vehicle at the time. Many people these days think that technology and good tyres will save them when something unexpected happens. My motto, and this is what I stress to my 16 yo daughter who is learning to drive, is expect the unexpected. I think people should do skilled driving courses in their own car to learn its capabilities and theirs.

Are you meaning to say that there is no problem with speed limits and it is the driver not driving to conditions?

If drivers drove to conditions then we would have higher speed limits on highways. I guess this comes back to an education.

Edited by AdamIan69
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  • Member For: 15y 9m 19d

100% of car accidents are caused by driver error. Better education of the driving public will save lives. Lowering speed limits does crap all. This has been proven statistically all over the world. Governments are only interested in filling there pockets, not road safety. They make us all focus on speeding as the issue, cause it gets them off the hook, in improving our roads and lots of other methods that would actually make a difference. If you think that speeding fines fund road infrastructure, that's a laugh. It goes to paying for their retirement funds.

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