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Raising Speed Limits + Video


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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agree^^ although I do reckon that things could change if I got off my ass, got loud and made people listen to facts coz I'm sure those figures in the video are probably pretty accurate for Aus as well.

note to self:

gotta be more pro-active with things I believe in

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  • I <3 Floods
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It's also worth noting that a sh*tload of oz's roads aren't fit for 110kmh..

Sure the big federal funded bastards (M1 etc) might be suitable for vehicles to go faster on.. But the traffic volumes make it unlikely..

PS speeding fines get reinvested in the road network.. So while you pricks are getting booked I'm getting paid..

I vote keep them how they are :-P

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like my place.

2 lane country road in the middle of nowhere (maybe 6 cars an hour and 1 drive way every 1 km).

3 fatalities in the last 4 years. 1 was in the rain going way to fast (120+) and missed a corner and drowned in a creek. other was a motorcycle t boned at an intersection other was a drunk driver.

in the 5 years preceding that the speed limit was droped from 90 to 80 then to 70. didnt do anything to save these poor buggers, but..... people now overtake the jerks that do 65 on this road that should be at least 80 and probably back to 90.

the rta did a survey and something like 78% of divers on this stretch of rd exceeded the speed limit by more than 10kmph - their responce was to have a cop hide in the bushed for a few months.

All the numpty's that drive at 80 got fined because they were just driving at what they thought was an appropriate speed (which they were) and the true speed demons never got fined because they new where the cops hide.

end result - more $$$ for govt, more people driveing 65 in what should be a 80-90 zone and more dangerous overtaking and tailgating.

Edited by rockafellqeinstien
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yep usual issue.

some maniac crashes going 160kph in an 80 zone.

they lower the speed limit to 70 because people have died from excessive speed.

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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 11y 11m 6d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: A big bridge over a river in South Australia

just saw a thing on 7 arvo news that Wheels mag are supporting a higher limit on whatever the road is between Sydney & Melbourne....

and then there was a guy with a Caltex shirt on saying it's a bad idea..........

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