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What Size Injectors Fg Turbo


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  • Member For: 12y 2m 8d

I don't mean to hijack the subject but this is obviously the place to ask.

Im looking at upgrading my injectors in my 2009 FG xr6 turbo ute, growler intake already fitted, catback exhaust already fitted, no tune yet. I'm thinking some Siemens 60lb or 80lb deka's will do the job fine for my application (daily driver, more grunt, all that boy racer stuff on the weekends, that kinda thing)

Anyway the Q. is are the 60 and 80 lb Siemens a straight in fit, or is there some fiddling that is required, as I was looking at the CAPA Performance website and they're selling Siemens 60/80lb injectors and there is a caption at the bottom of the paragraph saying "Note: FG xr6 turbo will require spacing of the fuel rail for fitment..?

Now I believe they are refering to pulling a spacer on the top of the injector between the rail and injector top end to increase the length of the injector so it is properly seated in the head and into the fuel rail..? if so where do I get these spacers, or is there another injector I can buy that will just go straight in, no F'king around required..?

cheers for any info that is of use to me ;)

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 4d
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ID1000's will fit straight in if supplied with the wiring plug adaptor and will be a lot better injector than the 2 you mentioned, but yes spacing the rail is required for a full length injector like the 60 and 80, obviously the car needs to be tuned before attempting to start the car with an injector change

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  • Member For: 12y 2m 8d

Cheers for the speedy reply, I'll check out the ID1000's, I know there a little more expensive than the 2 I mentioned, so I'll start saving.

Yeah I just want to get all the gear together I'm looking at putting into the car then once I've got all that I'll send her to the shop n they can chuck it all in and tune it for me.

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