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Shattered, Repair Bill?


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  • Member For: 15y 2m 8d
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replacing those air bags will be 1/3 cost of the car

then factor all the rest of the damage, pfft hardly worth the effort.

just sell it and go buy something else cheaper and use left over money for uni and to buy insurance!!!!!!!

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Car will never be the same. Bet the chassis is twisted also so one of the resr door will be touching or harder to close. Sucks to hear and say but ill just part it out if I were you.

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Mate, I did a similar thing with a near new GSXR 750.

At the time I was in the middle of buying a new house and was in need of cash. As a result I sold my HK manaro that the family had owned for three generations.

I won't Lie to say it hurt and some days it still doses!

But the day I had the cash from selling the car in my pocket, the bank finance called to say I was going to loose my house. This was due to being short nearly $4000 dollars on settlement. Money didn't have without selling the manaro. I left work hand over the cash straight out of my pocket for a $285,000 house.

5 years after that house was worth $850,000 and has set me up.

Take your time and let the dust settle to clear your head, then decide what path to take.

Good luck mate, hope something good comes out of it for you too!

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Let us know how you go, I'd be interested in what quotes you can get for fixing the Airbags as I'd like to know more about how that goes aswell, I would not have imagined airbags to cost a lot.

Take it easy and compare your options, First thing I'd be doing is jacking the car up and inspecting the underbody very very carefully aswell as engine and steering rack.

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Yep every chance chassis could be bent or twisted.. Looks like a hard hit.... In all honestly part the car out and you might collect $10k to 15k that way... Then save and buy another.

Engine alone with turbo you should collect $4 to $5k.. Auto $2500+ so on and so on.

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I disagree I have personally seen a fg smashed so hard in the rear it crushed in the boot and rear quarters has since been repaired and the chassis wasn't bent at all so I doubt a measley pole tap is going to be an issue.

I would personally repair it and have seen 2nd hand airbags used before that haven't been deployed.

Everyone is an expert but has anyone actually repaired something worse before or have any experience?

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  • Member For: 18y 9m 7d
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it's not just a pole tap, it's hit a gutter hard enough to break suspension components, the op should get a panel shop to quote it up and that way he will know rather than a bunch of opinions of people looking at pics on the internet.

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Those airbags seem to have a fair bit of rust on the mounts. They could have come out of a car that's been recovered from a boat launching incident or similar. I would not trust them if that's the case.

The ad also says new airbags are $330 from Ford. If true that's not expensive at all.

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