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Shattered, Repair Bill?


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Crap luck mate :(

Is that glenmore park? I'll buy your brembos if you're getting rid of it;)

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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My nightmare.

Feel very sorry for you mate. Looks like one of the cop cars with Brembos yeah? What a waste. No way I'd be repairing that, curtain airbags biiig dollars I'd imagine. Folding th wheel over surely farked more gear further in. I backed into a Hyundai Tucson once, hayman reece tow bar neck hit her wheel. Bent it up good underneath. My car was unharmed (go Ford). Hers required about $2.5k to repair (also a metal panel dented by my plastic rear tail light and bumper...lol).

This will be big dollars, wreck it/part it out man.

Always have full comprehensive. What if you hit a light pole, you know what it costs to put one of those up? Like 50 grand or some stupid amount.

I know from experience, this was SEVENTEEN GRAND to repair across both cars (had only owned mine 2 weeks...d!ckhead move). Without full comprehensive I'd have needed to sell my car.


Edited by -SteveR-
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This is not directed at anyone, but please take note:

Look guys, he fcuked up.

He has acknowledged that.

And now his pride n joy is all twisted up. Therefore he feels like chit. He has already quit his job, can it get much worse?

So there is NO POINT asking why didnt you have insurance, or how it happened, or what to do next time. Damage has been done, if you havent got anything contructive, or helpful to add, dont post. If you do, at least 25% will magically appear on your warnings, and your post will be deleted.

Dont think I can make it clearer than that.

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That's crap mate hope no one was hurt. Never mind sh1t happens and we learn from that and move on.

Source the parts from wrakers or ebay fix it mate. In the time been its the push bike.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Angel 3 has a point wreckers could help you fix it for a good price..

Sucks it happened though buddy.. Back to uni, get your degree and then an F6 might be on the cards in a couple years :-)

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Hi Sorry to hear about this.

Hard to see exactly the extent of the damage since it's dark but seems to be quite a few areas.

Remember if you repair the car you got to worry how good of a job the repairer will do, whether he will do a good paint job or not.

How much would your car be worth before damage ?

I'd say get a panelbeater to come out and inspect it and give you a rough estimate it's hard to see the exact extent without seeing in person but as you got quite a bit of damaged parts, see what the repair cost will be and depending on the condition of your car decide whether you lose more repairing it, or selling + buying another later on. Just remember with wrecking you will waste lots of your time replying to E-mails, calls etc so factor that in. If you were to repair it I'd be buying straight panels instead of re-using the original bent ones where possible

Is there any way you can get to work and keep your job, whatever you can do, borrow a neighbours car, rent one, buy a cheapo for work as you need your job mate.

Edited by Z2TT
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Not a bad idea hahaha!

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