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Abbott....... Rudd........ Or Crazy Man Clive Palmer..


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voted, poor quality sausage sizzle (all female crew on the bbq)

numbering 1 to 82 took almost as long as the farken lineup

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Fiber optic is old technology, but works. Signals travel at the speed of light, nothing comes close. Wireless will always have latency problems, interference and congestion. Sick of this slow donkey copper network and Telstras stranglehold on it. I only voted for Labor because of the NBN, this time around I will be voting for Batman

Hear Hear

Wireless will never be up to the standard of a quality Fibre optic connection, The problem with a country like ours is that its just so bloody big, of course its gonna go over budget but it will be worth it in the long run.

Malcolm Turnbull says that the NBN will be out of date by the time it goes in so theres no point in going ahead with it. This may be true but we have to play catch up with the rest of the world at some point, might as well be now. I refuse to settle for 20mb connections by 2019, only slightly more than what we have now

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The technology and social value arguments are beside the point.

Labor has trashed the execution of every project it has so much as looked at with each project disaster more profoundly gob smacking than the last. The rolling farce has wasted well over $100B of taxpayer's money. The NBN is already completely out of control with respect to costings and timelines.

The so-called Labor government over its history looked like nothing more than some type of unholy TV genera smash-up; a lame sit-come about a group of frank idiots who just happen to decide to team up with some Mafia types and Green Religion Zealots in order to take the reins of a major democracy... absolutely hilarious... except for those citizens who had to endure this crap for six years.

In the days of Hawke and Keating Labor provided Australia with profoundly brilliant governance. What is needed is to bulldoze of the current fetid Labor machine and The Green Religion into the ground. Only then can Labor shed the Mafia types and the crazy Priests of the Green Religion and rebuild itself into a party worthy of governing Australia in the future.

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if only the only consideration to who to vote for was internet speeds, life would be so easy.

Yes, been and voted, first time that I have voted that I cared who do not get in power and filling out 97 votes below the line does take time

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