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Fg Xr6T Or Evo10?


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Go the EVO10..... Much better resale value and alot more fun... Plus you have a car that does not look like a taxi and not many people have..

You say the xr6t is cheaper to modify but one of our mates has a evo6... When he told us what it's worth to modify you will be very surprised..


FG xr6t coil overs...$1800+ for a decent set

EVO 6 to 10 ..... $1200 a set

Edited by Pazzo
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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Everyone has already given you enough pros and cons I rekon, I just keep thinking imagine if this was a Late model camira forum, you wouldnt even get a look in for posting a thread like this. Atleast guys on here are mature enough to admit pros and cons of each.

xr will never catch and evo around corners or be more fun as a track car, but an evo will never have the same rush to me as going around a corner and stepping out going from 2nd to 3rd. gotta love the torque of the I6.

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My fgxr6t is quicker than the majority of evo X's I see, even on circuit. People really underestimate what they are capable of.

Need to spend $$ though. They just need very stiff suspension, big brakes, neg camber and 275's all round.

When you're done, it's probably less comfortable than an Evo anyway, but you wont get the awesome sleeper effect leaving people scratching their heads :)

On the road, roll on speed is much quicker in the Falcon. It's surprisingly nimble even at very tight tracks light Marulan which is really a go cart track.

When set up correctly, the FgXr6T will keep with an Evo in the mountains easily (just due to the instant punch alone out of turns the little turbo is capable of on E85 and massive rear tyres) unless you are doing way over the speed limit in the twisties on a public road, which in my opinion is stupid anyway.

However, If I didn't need the space the back seat offer with 3 kids under 5, I'd go the Evo....even with it's ridiculously tiny sub woofer stuffed boot.

For the non believers..........


Edited by nelsonian101
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Go the FG

AT the end of the day, a sleeper is one that gets less attention from the po po and it is cheaper to mod.

I completely agree with "nelsonian101" btw. if you have the $$$, which it sounds like you have, I would go the ford and work it out.

Remember too, the insurance on the falcon will be much less than the evo, and the parts are also way cheaper.

Being young, it's about the wrong attention and the fact that you can go on long cruises and you'll always have a large quantity of ponies and torque under the tyres when you want to smoke someone :)

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After going for a ride in an Evo IX with someone who can drive like a mofo, I'd say Evo. However they are a lot less convenient and comfy than a big old falcon.. With a family/mrs whatever I reckon a falcon is a lot more use than a little Evo

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Not on p's anymore, and I work 2 jobs that pay enough lols I Driven both of the cars and that's the problem..I like them both. EvoX full custom titanium exhaust system sets me back 2.2k. While on the xr6t is half of it.

And when you ask if I like RWD or AWD I like both....im fk'd in the head haha but every corner I take I like siding in it abit but gripping in it too..so I just have to figure it out for myself.

But really think you all for your pros and cons. I knew it was stupid to post anything on here about a EvoX

I think ill keep my xr6, swap for the xr6t and later buy an EvoX second hand, then the prices are bit lower and build it from there.


Edited by Pedja
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