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Another Ecu Noob Question? Tunehouse?


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Hi, my little brother just bought a Ba xr6t,manual with what was said to have 280rwkw? we have purchased the car and pick it up tomorrow now I will be hounding people on some questions once we have it at home but id really like to know that the car is fitted with a TUNEHOUSE flash tuner with the numbers 1,2,3 on the side of the box were it illuminates? now the car also has a TUNEHOUSE badge on the gear surround and all dyno papers,receipts and pics were taken?now as I hear TUNEHOUSE is in NSW and im in vic,how if we need the car tuned again do we go about tuning? now I dont know much about these cars but after being on this forum it has helped alot to my knowledge and I thank you..looking at the engine bay the car is pretty much dead stock,no cooler,not hot side pipes no intake etc,can this power really come out from just a tune? now when we purchased the car the guy was saying something along the lines of the tuners were testing this particular vehicle when it was relatively new to how much power they can get out of it,not too sure though?

I will call up TUNEHOUSE once we have the car and provide whatever info I have been given just to see what history this car has?


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And a few scattered others around the traps mick ;)

If it needs a re tune it needs a x3 to start with op

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not if they have current software, only the real early copies of advantage from possibly 5-6 years ago that did not need to be updated can do it, but limited to what sort of cover they have due to not having been upgraded

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That may very well be what is still around, I know of at least two BA's that have been tuned off xcal1 in the last month

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One is the other is close..... I am fairly sure an old un updated version of live link is held on a old laptop with a bulk amount of old burns attached to the account

I hear that any tune shop that had credits/burns were allowed to sell off any unused burns coupled with there software and made a tidy sum to other desirable workshops

Its a fairly wide spread thing going on with x cal 1 still

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280@ Tunehouse could nearly be done tune only too, strap it down somewhere in vic and look for 240-250.

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