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Zf6 Transmission Problems


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  • Member For: 13y 3m 12d

I have a bf xr6 with a 6 speed zf trans.

recently the trans has started hard shifting and jerking on shifts, its having different probkens in different modes. from 2nd to 3rd it makes a low vibrating sound in low revs in normal mode, if I switch it over to sports shift theres a low vibrating sound in 1st from 1500rpm to 2000rpm but no vibrating from second to 3rd. Sometimes it also seems like the revs drop a little while accelerating. just wanting to know if anyoe has had this issue and hats causing the problem, thanks

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Yeah same problem. All ZFs BF to FG have a heat exchanger setup that threatens to milkshake.

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They are supposed to be "sealed for life" but that seems to mean "sealed till they die".

I have read that even ZF says they should be serviced at 100,000km of hard use.

We had a ba that I changed fluid in at around 160,000km and the fluid was terrible.

If I was you I would probably ask here (as you have done) and if I couldn't get s better answer, I would either

1. Do a fluid change myself


2. Take it to a trans specialist.

If you can do the fluid change yourself (and are prepared to try the Gulf Western syntrans oil) it is a relatively cheap way forward, but if the box is actually damaged is not going to fix it.

I have just finished fitting a trans cooler to my ZF and did a fair amount of flushing through new gulf western syntrans.

The oil coming out of my box at around 80000km looked pretty bad. I am glad it was changed at that point rathrrvthan twice the distance.

I have only done a small amount of driving since the cooler and oil change and it seems fine.

I decided to use the Gulf western Street trading another forum member had used it for 40000km and everything was fine as well as not reading anything that seemed to point to any problems using it.

Edited by xr6tForMe
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