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Can Someone Explain This?


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3 weeks ago finally got my car (fg xr6t) tuned and it made 295rwkw but the fuel pump with the surge was making sounds so it was replaced. Anyway 3 weeks later finally had the new pump installed and was told by my tuner the car was going to be retuned but wasn't, just put on the dyno to make sure its running fine.

Anyway my 'dilemma'. Apparently this is the most the car would make, couldn't throw any more timing at it nor boost.

Anyway so mods include:

Rapid 4" turbo side and cooler

3.5" m/s dump and 100cell s/s cat (also have rear muffler delete)


PW surge tank and 460 pump

82 deg thermostat

0.75mm gapped plugs

Tuned with SCT

Graphs attached

Before everyone has a go cause its 'just a number' just be aware a similar car with similar mods made 25rwkw more on the same dyno in a much warmer month.

In saying that the car is great fun to drive and its so much better than what it was, afr's look good and boost isn't excessive. I'm happy with the dirveability of the car, I'm just a bit disappointed in that I was on a tight budget and thought I'd do the right thing with surge and big cooler etc but at that power figure I could have bought much cheaper items that would have achieved the same result.

Car will hopefully go to WSID at some point in the future but probably not for a while.

Anyone have any ideas what's holding it back from maxing out the the little fg turbo?



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Before you get too hung up on your power figure, bearing in mind 25kws is <10%... I reckon you need to see your mph at a drag strip..

But otherwise everything ratter has said is spot on! Every car, engine and drivetrain will be different..

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Yea I realise not all cars are the same but I'm yet to see an FG not hit 300 with those mods. I didn't expect 320 but was hoping for somewhere between 300 and 310

I picked everything and confirmed (on multiple occasions) with the tuner that they were parts they were happy to tune with upon which they confirmed. I supplied and fit cooler, turbo side, thermostat and exhaust. They supplied and installed fuel system.

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the fuel system is not your problem as that is easy to see on the graph, I have had owners use parts that do not work, the tuner can not do anything about it if that's how the car is presented, I will normally try to trouble shoot but am not being paid to do that, so many will just tune and leave it at that as that's what your paying for

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first thing I noticed (not knowing much - remember) is that the runs were done in 3rd..........difference?

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Just looking at the boost curve it looks like it peaks at 3300rpm then tapers off from there is it possible to get the standard turbo to hold boost for longer ???

Id wait until you go to the track before you worry about the number it makes on the dyno

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Well the only "cheap" parts mick are the rapid cooler (which has been consistently proven to flow well and the exhaust which is hurricane brand but the only problem I can see there is if the ca is sh*t as can't imagine the dump having problems as its all open. Do you personally think any of those parts would not work properly?

Yea thought about 4th gear but compared to this other car it was run in 3rd

Ps note I'm not hating on the tune or tuner just curious as iv seen a lot of cars on here go 300+ with similar or even less mods n just wanna dig deeper as to why

Waiting on a torque figure aswell to use that for comparison

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