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Your Car Doing ( Photo Challenge )

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  • Bronze Donating Members
  • Member For: 12y 8m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: cherrybrook

I thought I would start a topic of your doing photo challenge

They way it works is being the first post, I set a challenge. It will start off with something along the lines of...

"Post a picture of your car...infront of Maccas"

Then whoever posts a picture of there car infront of Maccas makes the next challenge, and so on.

The picture has to be either your car, or a car you previously owned and have pictures of. You can go out and take the photo for this thread if you want, or if you have an old photo that matches one of the challenges then great.

So I'll start with your Car with a v8 supercar driver


So it's just that easy

First challenge Your car with a ford flag

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