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Strange Idle After Engine Swap


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hey guys, most would know I changed my wrecked bf motor for an fg long. problem im having is car has a strange idle. sounds like a lumpy cam but when you look at the instant fuel usage it sits at like 3.1lt to 3.2lt !! opposed to around 1.7lt to 1.9lt. tuner couldnt find an issue as fuel trims etc are all ok. we are thinking its the map sensor playing up as its the same one that was in my bf when it went bang maybe causing it damage........ anyone heard of this issue before??also when coasting car is pretty jerky as well. other than this the car is boosting properly and is fine on fuel use etc.

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Inlet manifold gasket leak perhaps. My car used to have a really lumpy idle on cold starts.

Progressively got worse.

Replaced the gasket (which had broken completely) and all good.

Same thing on a mates non turbo ba to.

Twice also while this problem was happening it would idle lumpy and really really rich to the point black smoke was coming out the exhaust.

Only happened twice. And stopped after idle smoothed out. Never happened again since though.

Gasket is cheap. Changing it is a complete sh*t job though

Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Having similar problem today, idle's like it got a huge cam, put it gear and the car starts to jump forward with the revs

New injectors went in today and a tune, but still doing it

we can't find any air leaks, no codes

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