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Fg Plastic Manifold And Boost?

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  • Member For: 11y 7m 6d

Just a question out of curiosity, how would the plastic standard manifold on the FG hold up against boost pressure?
Has anyone ever done it?

I'm only asking because I may happen to have a free one soon and the temptation is there to try it out, it looks pretty study, warping under heat might be an issue.

I know that there would be no benefit over the FG xr6t manifold as they use an alloy one of their own design which I'm led to believe is much better than the BA/BF one. So I was sorta hoping the standard one might just be a little better.

Ultimately, even if it would be ok, it will come down to whether or not the BA throttlebody fits or not.

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Good question but IMO - it is a lot of stuffing around for stuff all reasons despite the fact it is free.The FG turbo stocker is the real deal for boost applications. Some of the forum members have retro fitted the FG T manifold on to the BA/BF with proper results but it is not a simple bolt in, plug / play operation.

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  • Member For: 11y 7m 6d

No worries mate.

Just out of curiosity, what issues so you think I would have run into if I had of done it?

Also, has anyone ever hooked up an FG throttlebody to a BA?

I noticed the FG is WAY more responsive than the BA

Sent from my XT925 using Tapatalk 2

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Well the FG have plastic plumbing directly off the turbo itself from factory, and that has no problems (until you turn the boost up), ive never seen a na FG manifold begore but im assuming it would be a failry sturdy and most deffinatly alot thicker then the plastic pipe that comes off the turbo! And its also on the cold side to ... so, if you used a good heat insulator gasket to help keep some of the head temp off it, I would think it would most likely work.

Now I have no idea if they have any parts inside them which may cause any problems as ive never seen one, but if its a fairly stirdy feeling plastic and insulated well also again being on the cold side, give it a shot.

I dont suggest cranking the boost way up and doing 280kmh for 30 minutes though lol

Also, the a bigger the fmic up front would help it to.

Edited by BlueOvalPower
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The response in the FG - either N/A or turbo - has more than the throttle body that affects it.

I have not seen the insides of the FG N/A manifold but I think it has some design parameters that make it work very well on the 4 litre Ford. As a basic observation, plumbing the N/A manifold would be tricky in a turbo application but cubic bux and time can fix nearly anything.

For me - it is still too much for too little - especially as the factory FG T manifold works so well and can be retro'd onto BA/BF. BPT in Perth actually sell a very basic kit to do this - but I have no first hand experience of the kit or the shop in question.

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  • Member For: 11y 7m 6d

Thanks for the replys guys.

I'm still very curious, it would all come down to whether or not the BA throttlebody fits directly to the manifold or not, if it doesn't then there's no way I'm trying.

Other than that I can't really see anything else making it difficult, just vacuum lines?

I couldn't see any sensors on the BA manifold that would need to be retro fitted, but I'll take another look.

If it can be done I'll certainly try it and report my finds back here, but I'm not going to go spending money on it just for slight gains.

Plus I'm not doing it till of swapped the intake and battery around

Sent from my XT925 using Tapatalk 2

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