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People like Angel that just like taking the piss out of people ruin it for everyone else that just want to discuss their cars, that's why they have such poor turnouts to cruises. When I had my Rx3 I would go to an Ausrotary Forum cruise and 100 cars would turn up not 10 like on here.

Edited by Coop450
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Mate not having a go but I'm on the liberty/legacy GT forums and they're exactly the same.

This is just the Internet, don't worry about anything that happens along the way.

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People like Angel that just like taking the piss out of people ruin it for everyone else that just want to discuss their cars, that's why they have such poor turnouts to cruises. When I had my Rx3 I would go to an Ausrotary Forum cruise and 100 cars would turn up not 10 like on here.

poor baby!!

if you take the time and read the post you would see that I myself have answered the question and provided in total 7 links to his question relating to "POWER" along with other members. YES?

Its clearly and it shows that you don't read the posts that people put up maybe pictures are you thing. Here is a link just on pictures http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/topic/24766-random-picture-post-thread/page-1 enjoy!!

Below is also another post take your time and read the letters in RED

If that still doesn't work I wish you well, best of luck mate.

:roflmbo: relax mate bad day at the office, thank god its Friday hey.

If your not happy with help I have given you in post 9 then there's nothing here we can help you with. I provided you with 6 links all about POWER!!!

What else would you like help with mate?

The other post are running jokes with other members don't take anything to heart here mate we all :censored: around all the time and have fun, hope you can to :spoton:

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