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E85 In Wollongong

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I have been talking with the manager of United at Cringila and he said if there was enough demand for E85 in Wollongong he would sell it no worries.

Very helpful guy but of course the demand needs to be there for it to be worth it to him, only so many storage tanks.

I know I don't enjoy having to go 80 kms to buy it, so how many other people are there in the Wollongong area that would use it?

Please let me know so we can possibly get the ball rolling. Thanks.

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I'm out I'll stick with the 98.

I think the only way for him to sell E85 is by buying bulk load of drums and just let all the local performance/tuning shops in the Gong know that he stock E85.

Good luck!

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I never considered an e85 tune because of the hassle of going to get it, 40 min round trip just for fuel, Cringila would be perfect, only 10 mins from home and even closer to work. I think there would be enough interest in Wollongong to make it fees able, need to spread the word on other car forums not just xr6T's

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I'm sure E85 will become more popular in the future as we learn more about the benefits of it, specially so with turbo and hi-spec engines.

The myths are being shown to be just myths, the doomsday nay-sayers will be too busy stocking up their bunkers to investigate the real potential.

Many cars have been running on this fuel for a long time now, they are still going great.

Eventually it will be available here but the sooner the better for us, I've been spreading the word and hope you guys can to. Thanks.

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I was told awhile back that Caltex were, or have made a deal with Expensive Daewoo to roll out Eflex in most of their servos up and down the eastern states, so you could drive from SA to Nth Qld on Eflex.

I really hope people start using it more and more, otherwise if it doesn't sell Caltex will pull it... Rydalmere Caltex had Eflex for about a year, recently they got rid of Eflex, which is a bummer but shows they will pull it if its not selling.

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