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Where Is The Fg Ac Fuse.


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  • Member For: 15y 6m 13d
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Hi everyone,

My FG is starting to do random things.

At first didn't think too much of it but jumped into the car and the time Was wrong. Wasn't 0:00 but was like 10:43 or something random so it reset then started ticking over again.

Later on drive home which was a 2hr country drive I noticed something coming out of the vent like dust or its so turned it off. After a couple of short drives the ac didn't sound right and I noticed it wasn't very cold.

Now the wife rings me and says the car is showing DSC failure lights and heard a pop. Can't describe it but It was there so pulls over and rings me. Turns cars the car off and back on all good. When she gets home I plug in a code scanner. Nothing , no codes logged.

Last night driving through a round about the stereo volume starts to increase on its own. It got fairly loud as we both thought that the other person was turning it up.

The AC is clearly not working because when you switch it on there is not click and the revs stay the same. And it doesn't demise the windscreen on cold.

So I start checking all the fuses in the drivers side and under the bonnet and they are also good.

Does the AC have its own fuse in the ICC or another place. During the last service I had the aircon anti bacterial done so I'm hoping its just a fuse or it wasn't plugged in properly as all the above issues have a button on the ICC. Has anyone had a similar experience or have any advice.

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From my experience I would say your battery is on the way out.

I would also make certain your battery clamps are on tight.

If battery voltage is low the computer will not engage the air con compressor.

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  • Member For: 16y 2m 14d
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  • Location: Castle Hill NSW

100% spot on. Same happened to me with AC. New battery = no probs! Yes there is an AC fuse in the compartment just behind the battery with all the other fuses. But it won't be that. When the voltage goes low all sort of problems happen on the FG.

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Just went to the sparkles. He tested the battery and said it was borderline but ok. I told him the problems ive been having and he seems to think that if I'm having these issues while driving its likely to be something else.

I decided to replace the battery anyway because its a good place to start. The AC is now making the vacuum cycling noises it was before but it still doesn't seem cold. Its almost likes its trying to charge up but cant. Hopefully the other electrical issues will disappear and maybe I just need gas.

Edited by avi8R
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  • Member For: 16y 2m 14d
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  • Location: Castle Hill NSW

Ah! I didn't consider these things were happening while you're driving. Low battery issues usually happen when you start. Doesn't meant that it wouldn't cause it, but anyway one possibility gone. Good luck.

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Just to update, since the new battery went in I have been having no more electrical issues. The AC system was checked and turns out the inter cooler had rubbed through the condenser creating a small hole.

After a new condenser was installed and regas all is good.

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