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Cops Love Fg Turb


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Yeah I have spoken to Highway Patrol Offices when filling up at petrol station also...I remember one cop telling me the FG was heaps faster than the BF he had previously...as I still had the BF at that time...he also said he hadn't had many problems with the FG and it was very reliable...

He also said he serviced his XR6T every 10,000KM

A few months later I bought my FG, and the cop was definitely right, the FG accelerates much harder...you would have a field day if you were a cop...lol

Though he did say due to budget constraints the cops are keeping their cars for longer which is why it's so hard to get an ex chaser FG with low KMS at the auctions...

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cool story bro

did you ask him his thoughts on cop mods?

They are standard cars these days . Cop mods are a thing of the past . They carry a lot of weight in boot equipment for highway patrol use .

I hope he was filling with 98

Only the good stuff goes in em

Yeah I have spoken to Highway Patrol Offices when filling up at petrol station also...I remember one cop telling me the FG was heaps faster than the BF he had previously...as I still had the BF at that time...he also said he hadn't had many problems with the FG and it was very reliable...

He also said he serviced his XR6T every 10,000KM

A few months later I bought my FG, and the cop was definitely right, the FG accelerates much harder...you would have a field day if you were a cop...lol

Though he did say due to budget constraints the cops are keeping their cars for longer which is why it's so hard to get an ex chaser FG with low KMS at the auctions...

Those days are gone 42-60 thou k these days 80-100 k . They get rid of the sh*t ones early .

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Bubbleboy what do u mean reply right???

He means that quoting a post is what you do to a reply to someone directly. Usually you don't quote someone and not say anything.

I've quoted your post and them wrote something. I think your just quoting them doing a seperate post.

Edited by bucknaked
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I started selecting to merge...but then lost interest farkin. Give Dags something to do later on.

Cheers mate 8F mate mate

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