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Engine Frustration - Help!


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same tuner or different?

A ecu tune should not be used as a band aid repair for a mechanical issue which is what some people are doing, any mechanical issues should be sorted first

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  • Member For: 12y 9m 7d
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  • Location: Palmerston North. New Zealand

Two different tuners. My first tuner moved to Aus so I took it to STM in Wellington. They retuned it with there own tune and checked the tune was correct for startup and found no issue with tune. Nothing came up on there scan tool .

They said they could try fixing it by replacing parts( which could cost a fortune) or if I could get another car and swap parts until they fix it and just buy that part new.

I'm thinking the injectors my first tuner put in are leaking into the chambers after shutdown as when I restart it blows out black smoke.

Also looses pressure in fuel rail within 30 mins with check valve inline to stop it returning to tank

Could this cause it to start with WOT?

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  • Member For: 12y 6m 20d
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  • Location: Maryborough Qld

Two different tuners. My first tuner moved to Aus so I took it to STM in Wellington. They retuned it with there own tune and checked the tune was correct for startup and found no issue with tune. Nothing came up on there scan tool .

They said they could try fixing it by replacing parts( which could cost a fortune) or if I could get another car and swap parts until they fix it and just buy that part new.

I'm thinking the injectors my first tuner put in are leaking into the chambers after shutdown as when I restart it blows out black smoke.

Also looses pressure in fuel rail within 30 mins with check valve inline to stop it returning to tank

Could this cause it to start with WOT?

Fuel reg stuffed??

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  • Member For: 12y 9m 7d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Palmerston North. New Zealand

Fuel reg holds 60psi pressure with key on (not started) also when running and dynoed and runs great.

I tried the WOT on startup today, first start of the day it backfired, tried again and it started up.

I turned it off and restarted immediately with WOT and it would not start, which suggest it works properly if restarted straight away.

I left it for over half an hour and it started under WOT(tried this several times), but upon immediate restart after running (WOT), it would not start,

Also blows out black (fuel) smoke and cranks for 10 to 15 times after sitting for over over 30 mins to 1 hour with normal start up (no throttle),=== this is what pisses me off about the car

Would this suggest that the injectors are leaking into the pistons after shutdown,flooding it ?

Any suggestions would be appreciated

PS..Car runs and boosts perfect and is great to drive

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