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  • loitering with intent
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Understanding that this is somewhat provocative( and will be no doubt shut down) I am thundering down the path of

inevitable death. I understand my own mortality.

That said I was raised as a CofE child and have not an ongoing

faith of any description and am completely ambivalent to the whole

concept of a God.

Each to their own I get.that.

This is not a versus thread.

Just trying to understand that so many on the planet believe in god and I don't ?

Why so many millions of deaths in the name of a God?

It is Gods way ?

If there is a supreme entity why so many faces and traditions going

back to the beginning of time?

The Catholic Church is one of the biggest money making machines ever created?

What actually is an infidel as all sides have them?

I don't want to divide but wan't understand why billions of people at the ending

of the day believe in what seems to be the same thing.

Killing in the name of what ?

The concept of blind faith is something I just can't get my analytical mind around.

Give some facts so I can put it to bed.

People like me are curious is all.

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I don't expect any other answers other than what you have been told your whole life.

They are never going to prove it. They just claim to have faith.

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If not for religion (specifically, wars in the name of) we'd have a billion more people crowding the place up, so that's one thing to be thankful of? Too bad for those who died and are dying because of it...

I think those who need unconditional comfort that there is more than a finite end to consciousness are those who enjoy having a faith. For me, I prefer the scientific view of the world to the exclusion of belief in a creator entity, or afterlife.

Also, there are many who claim faith but don't practice the tenets in daily life, to the point of total hypocrisy. This lowers my respect for the institution as a whole. I don't assume an individual is an idiot because of their faith though. It's fine as long as you don't try to impose it on myself or others. Live and let live!

I also find I don't need to live in fear of Satan (or other punishment) to make me want to treat others nicely, but that's what it takes for some I guess.

PS all hail the spaghetti monster?

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • loitering with intent
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  • Member For: 21y 4m 17d
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and fear the boogie mon

the question is it fear or belief.

Or does one create the other?

Make no mistake. I do believe in most Christian and other religious edicts

as these are generally a good start to being a decent person

I fail however in not coveting thy neighbors wife.

I just see that as sport and the natural order of things.

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