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Fg F6 Turbo Failure - What Other Damage ?


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Hi All,
Sunday morning brought the nasty sound of a bearing / shaft failure on my 6 month old F6's turbo (at 10,200km) :(
In hindsight we suspect it was probably a little louder than 'normal' for a couple of minutes after datrtup the previous couple of days.
Now this one has always been louder (induction wise) than the last FG (don't ask why there's a 2nd, unless you want to see a pic of the results of steering rack failure on a month old car...) but not excessively so.

Into the local dealer on Monday to let em know & get a warranty repair organised. "We will have to diagnose it first"
So, "yes, you have a turbo failure, we think excessive end float & the rotor has gone into the housing."
O.K. SO. What I need to know is: What other damage should I be concerned about here. At this stage , I believe they have ordered a turbo, gaskets, lines & filter as replacement parts.....

If its on the exhaust side I am presuming that it could have thrown fragments of a blade down into the cat, which would basically destroy it.
If its on the compressor side, & we have metal dust going down the intake, what should I be asking them to do about it ? I am concerned that this is all to easy to say "She'll be right" & for them to not worry about the long term consequences of a handful of metal filings having gone through the intake ?

Any suggestions as to the path to take here ?


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They should be removing the intercooler piping, core and even the inlet manifold and throughly cleaning/inspecting everything so there's no fragments sitting in there for the engine to gobble up later on if it's the front wheel that's let go, if it's the rear they should remove the exhaust manifold and exhaust and clean/inspect it all as well.

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