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Clutch/gearbox Noise


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  • Member For: 15y 1m 19d
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  • Location: Newcastle

Hey all,

Got a strange sound which I believe is coming from clutch/gearbox area (hard to locate) and unsure what it could be. I have got a 6 speed manual, the clutch was replaced approximatly 18 months ago with a organic high torque clutch.

I have had an issue a few times when the gearbox is cold it is almost impossible to select any gear to the point it feels as if I have to almost snap the gear stick to force it into gear, this was also accompanied by the clutch having almost no play in it at all. As the car warmed it retured to its normal operation. As it only happened a few times I thought it may have just been my syncros not lining up properly and was not to concerened.

Over the last week I have been hearing what I can only describe as a swirling sound (bearing noise?) coming from my passenger footwell which can also be heard from outside the car louder on the passenger side. This noise is not consistant and can be heard at different speeds in different gears, however it will not be pressent continuously and seems to happen more when I am not accelerating (maybe I can just hear it better?). The sound will also stop when the clutch pedal is pressed in, and will stop when I am not in gear. I dont have any other issues with the clutch/gearbox operation.

Could this be a possible thrust bearing issue?

Thanks ,


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  • Member For: 13y 9m 15d
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Usually the thrust bearing sound will be present when the car is still in neutral as well as in gear and will only go away when clutch is depressed.

These boxes can be quite noisy though when initially taking off from a stop.

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