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Is My Diff Stuffed?


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  • Member For: 12y 6m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Maryborough Qld

I have a LSD in my ba xr6t, as far as im aware its the factory one but it does look like its been opened in the past, weather it was for just to redo the gasket im not sure

Today I was changing the fuel filter and had teh rear end jacked up, so I decided to put it in gear and see how the rear wheels spun (something stupid to do) and both wheels spun at idle but then the right just stopped and at this point traction control kicked in..only at idel!

soi turned traction off and the right side did the same but the left keep spinning, when the right stoped it made a slight clunk/shud...

any ideas? the left wheel does seem to spin round left corners in the wet and sometimes the dry...only if at full lock and not driveing it hard at al!

I did replace oil in diff not long ago with the castrol stuff (gold bottle) cant remeber its name but it said that it ncluded the friction modifier.

should I use a different oil? or is it gonnnneee! hahah (the diff)

welli think its stuffed....are v8 diffs and xr6t diffs the same? lsd? ratio etc?

can driveing it will won clutchs cause and bad things?

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  • Menace
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  • Member For: 13y 9m 17d
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That friction modifier stuff only makes the diff have more slip.. For example if you turn full lock and give it a small stab it will allow the inside wheel to spin more so.

Usually it's the rhs wheel that'll spin more when there getting tired. Both should spin the same direction and have a reasonable resistance if 1 person holds one wheel stationary while the other person tries to turn the other wheel. Another way to check is take off quick on level, even surface ground quickly and induce wheel spin there should be sfa difference from where both your black lines start

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  • Member For: 12y 6m 15d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Maryborough Qld

ah ok, so it could be the oil ii used? should I try changeing the oil again? changed the oil then about 2000k's later noticed this......coincidence? lol

but shouldnt both wheels spin when I have it jaked up and in drive? spinning by hand they both.... spin also when one wheel was on ground I cannot spin the other wheel unless I use allot of force....found that ut when I was doing up the pac nut on the wheel hub

I put castrol full synthetic in,, if there was any mineral oil in there befrhand could this affect it?

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