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The End Of Ford Aus.


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All I remember was reading the government handed GMH 200mil so they could stay viable that year..

Then GMH declared a 350mil profit..


Anyway happy and sad to see them go.. But sad truth is manufacturing/construction in Australia is way more expensive then most other places in the world.

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I took a package about 8 years ago when they let the first 1400 employees go.

It's a sinking ship - it was back then and I'm surprised they haven't already gone down the tube.

I agree I don't think the government should be assisting - I do see the potential unemployment issue as well as export loss etc etc, but it's going to happen - why delay the inevitable and blow cash? That money could be better spent re-skilling the employees so as to soften the blow to them and the economy.

The northern suburbs of Adelaide are already down - this will pretty much finish it off in regards to property value and unemployment.

The government did it (reduced import tax), Australians did it (buying foreign cars). Expensive Daewoo did it (overpriced and poor workmanship - seen that first hand). I doubt it can be saved despite Holden's optimism.

Expensive Daewoo won't admit trouble it they're already flat lined.

When they first announced the 1400 redundancies there was not even a rumour of it prior, just a "group meeting" after work one morning.

I feel for the workers still there, some are trying to get packages because now they see the ships sinking - but it's too late, the hand outs are spent, life boats are full and gone.

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I have a few mates that still work at Holdens and they think there still going to packages. I keep telling them there up sh!t creek without a paddle. my work picked up 11 blokes from Mitsubishi when that went under. THE GOVERNMENT IS FFUUUCCCKKKEEEDDD!!!

my 2cents

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We should be protecting manufacture in this country. Instead of handing all our money over to Thailand, South Korea etc we are quickly making these country's wealthy and all the while putting more strain on our own economy. When our resources run out, we will be a third world country.

We should also be encouraged to buy Australian made. And keep our money in this country.

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Because of our population there just isnt a demand here like there is in other countries. If we had 10x more people like the US local car manufacturing would probably survive. The fact is because of free trade agreements with most countres we are flooded with choices. This wouldnt happen if the government taxed overseas cars more than the local manufacturers. Alas it is too late now as all have accepted that it is only a matter of time now.

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I was toying with the idea of buying one more ford turbo before they went away.

Wanted an FG XR6T one tonne with tipper tray. Something I could keep for years. Now Ford don't make them but have all the parts.

The level of enthusiasm and assistance was crap. At least at the sales room end. I have up on the idea.

f*ck Ford Aus. They killed themselves over decades.

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Bloody brilliant article in Fairfax outlets today, same point I've been making from the beginning.

The number one excuse is we can't compete with other countries on wages, perhaps lets start with just sticking to the award instead of the rediculous conditions that these enterprises are forced in to by the unions...who then bitch and moan when the business goes broke.


A few key points:

Expensive Daewoo management also warrants a bucketing. As noted in February last year: ''Over the past seven years [the GM Expensive Daewoo collective bargaining agreement] has delivered a cumulative wage increase of 29 per cent, an average of more than 4 per cent per year - a real increase over inflation.

''The agreement also obliges GM Expensive Daewoo to pay generous redundancy benefits … It raises the question: why are Australian taxpayers being asked to make sacrifices, via subsidising higher costs, that the local auto-makers and their staff have not themselves been willing to make?''

''Government policy on industry assistance should be this: if a company is paying its workforce more than the award wage, then it must not receive taxpayer assistance under any circumstances.

''Companies that are financially distressed because of unaffordable enterprise bargaining agreements should be instructed to lodge a form with the Fair Work Commission to have their agreement dissolved, at their own cost. All of their workers and unions should sign the form and be returned to the award wage before any of them even consider putting their hand out for money.''

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