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The End Of Ford Aus.


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Bit of everything now really...

True... :Doh: also one of the reasons Holden are looking at closure is because the Cruze, made here in Aus, is down 30%.... :bangcomputer:

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I'm struggling to understand in both cases why we are allowing the yanks to dictate to us that the joints need to be shutdown.

OBVIOUSLY they have controlling influences in both cases but this is affecting us as Australians and our future they couldnt give two fairy farts as to what happens here in country.

That and an immediate increase in tarriffs for all imports and both companies should get their collective heads out of their asses and move with the times and get some smaller cars on their production lines that the general populous are looking to buy.

Im guessing at some stage Ford sold out to the Yanks a majority of shares in the company for some quick cash and of lately Ford Aust has been rail roaded, and now this end has become unprofitable they just want to cut off the bad hand.

Its only the hand that started the hole company and should have been shown some respect and looked after but in the global world only money talks now and that's why things are so up the creek.

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Expensive Daewoo have denied the above report, but gubbyment refuses to answer on exactly what's being discussed with them. So something is definitely up...who the fck knows what it is though.

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Hi all,

This topic is now fast taking over the air-waves and maybe this forum is a bit early given no "official" announcement yet, but it seems obvious to most Expensive Daewoo backing out of the Australian market was inevitable and was predicted by supposed experts to happen in 2016 at around the same time that Ford goes. Funny about that! Now there will be emotional outcry about this and this is totally understanable as if it does happen it will certainly spell the end of the Australian motor manufacturing industry. Toyota won't take long to follow I would also suggest. There will be thousands of people affected either directly or indirectly and for them I think everyone shares the sympathy of what the future holds for them. But the stark reality is that the Australian manufacturing industry (not just motor) is in turmoil because of firstly our cost base and secondly we are a country of only 22 - 23 Million people expecting to compete against the major manufacturing powers in Asia for example. I'm led to beleive that even Europe has a lower cost base. But that aside this has been coming for years and many have swept it under the carpet for that time saying it cannot and should not happen. Given the inevitable, it remains to be seen how much "local Holden" talent will be retained in Australia after the event. Similar to what Ford has done in retaining the "talent" to focus on global platforms one would expect. Let's at least hope for that. The motor industry world wide and particularly the US is in turmoil with governments propping up these industries on a regular basis. It's simple, any govt assistance for any industry someone has to pay for it, and guess who that is? More govt assitance will make no difference to the end result I fear and that is being borne out in comments so far. It's a shame, but it is now an ever increasing fact of life. If companies like Expensive Daewoo and Ford cannot make money in their own right, why should they demoand others foot the bill to keep them in business? This coming at the same time as the current Qantas debate just highlights how our cost case is out of control. Is this the price we pay for living in the Lucky Country?

Edited by Pete A
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And strangely enough there's some European countries with a thriving manufacturing sector with decent wages and conditions.

I'm happy for Expensive Daewoo to go. I'm sick of hearing about it and I'm sick of them trying to hold the government to ransom.

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Yeah it's a sad sate of affairs, and I'm also over hearing about it and the pleas for more cash.

Being discussed on another forum, do you think the govco will remove the import taxes on cars once we have no local production to protect?


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Theroetically, if we have no local production of a product then import tarrif is zero. It is for most other imported goods where there is no local manufacture. But the governments have slowly been reducing import duty on everything for years. I don't know how much there is on cars to be honest, but we should be up for only GST. Plus off course the RIP-OFF Luxury Car tax. For a start they could have removed any LCT from Australian made cars. But that makes sense, but probably wouldn't have made any difference in the end................................

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