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Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party


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  • I'm getten too old for this s**t
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Threads gone cold so time to fire it up again as the election is on September 7th

I notice that people have some fairly strong views on all things 'political' and I am no different so before we go any further, let me just say that everything in this post is "My Opinion Only" and I sincerely apologise if I offend anyone with the way I choose to look at ANY political party, or election.

The first point I would like to make is this ---No Vote Is Wasted---.
Surely we all understand how elections work in Australia....Joe Blo wants to be King and I want him to be King so I put a number 1 next to his name on the ballot. My choice of where I put the number 2 is so very important because if Joe Blo has the least number of votes, he is discarded from the count and where I put the number 2 on the ballot then becomes my primary vote and so on until someone has 50% +1 of all votes therefore, how can a vote EVER be wasted.

For a full explanation, see http://www.aec.gov.au/Voting/counting/hor_count.htm

It was mentioned that road laws are state controlled not federal, therefore how can a federal party do anything.
This is just 1 example of how the Feds force the states to do things.....The SA government refused to drop the .08 limit to .05 and fall into line with the rest of the country so the Feds said to the then Premier, "drop it to .05 or SA will get NO money from the Feds for road funding next year". The limit was soon dropped to .05.........that's how they do it.

1 or 2 in the Senate CAN have a very large impact on a vote....The 'tree hugger' alone (by himself) has stopped some things being passed in the Senate and written into legislation.....A bit of research will show this so unless that 1 or 2 are complete assholes, they do have the voice and the ability to change something.

It was also said above, "How many could handle a modded T?"

For those who can, please think back to the 60's, 70's & 80's, back in the days when there wasn't ABS, DSC etc. etc., tyres were sh!t quality compared to what is available today and don't get me started on the roads. A huge part of the Australian culture was 'doing up ya car' and the power that some produced, and the overall appearance of some of those cars was outstanding.

Back then, the most highly tuned, highly modified cars where admired by all, including the Police as the government realised back then that a person’s vehicle was an expression of their personality, a hobby (which is so important for people to have) and a way of keeping the money moving from 1 person to another and then to another, when buying and installing parts.

Yeah sure, every now and then 1 of these vehicles may have been involved in an incident or accident and it was only after the son of a journalist (who was a passenger in a car) was killed by an inexperienced young driver (driving his mums’ car). Apparently he stuffed up big time, and killed his mate and because he was the son of a journalist, he and the media in general started to convince Australians that young drivers were dangerous and how bad it would have been if they were in a modified car, and a percentage of Aussies listened.

At 151 mph, the maximum that my old HQ would do (b4 nos), my car cost me so much money to build back in the 80's that when traffic, buildings, people, trees or even small rodents were around, I was the most careful driver as I didn't want to damage my 'pride & joy' and I am sure that I was a part of the vast majority of people that didn’t act like a f*wit on the road and yet my car was very highly modified, both engine and body.

With the majority of modded T owners, are they any different today than what I was in the 80's?

And this logic should be extended to any vehicle where the owner chooses to make his car a bit different, maybe with some chrome engine parts and some nice wheels etc..

Some of these Laws are getting a bit out of hand, I am sure that each of us knows of at least 1 Law in their state that ‘just doesn’t sound right’ so I will give an example of 1 that I hate.

Last year, a friend of mine let her son (17, p plates) take her VE SV6 out 1 night and he got done by the cops for doing a huge burnout from the lights (still don’t know how he did it in an SV6 but anyway), and when the cops caught up with him, they charged him under the SA hoon laws and impounded the car for 28 days.

Now can someone please explain to me how the hell, in a state where there has to be a victim for a crime to have been committed, and it is against legislation to ‘create a victim’ from someone else’s crime, could she be punished and loose her car because of the actions of another? Now you all probably know by now that I’m not the sharpest knife in the cupboard but how the fkcu can this be allowed to happen?

I'll tell you how......because as a group of people with a voice, we choose to sit on our ass, shut our mouths and justify our inaction by saying to ourselves - "yeah but what can I do to change it".

Well let me tell you that I can change it by getting off my ass, writing to my local member, maybe even the leader of the opposition, and joining groups of like-minded people because beleive it or not, there are people out there that think the same way that I do..........that's how.

It has also been mentioned that 1 person pissing on a fire won't do much but this is an election therefore it is very unlikely that it will only be 1 person and before you know it, the fire is out and again, there are a lot of people just like me that need a p!ss right now.

Another way of explaining why it is unlikely to be 1 person. Well an easy way to explain why, would be to say that a few years ago:
1 woman wanted the right to vote and 1 guy had a dream………

For me, it would be great to see the AMEP hopefully find enough support to be a voice, just like ‘most’ Independent members of the Senate.

Searching all of the online Dictionaries, I was unable to find the actual meaning of the word ‘Hoon’ therefore to me, it is just a made up word that someone decided to come out with because he/she wanted a way to express their feelings towards a minority of people that do burnouts and donuts out the front of the local McDonalds and again, the media jumped on this word and grouped the owner of every car that has been lowered, but still within legal height HTG, or bigger wheels, even though the track is still within legal limits, into this group therefore the Police (who are only doing their job) are told to stop and check every car on the road that is NOT exactly how it was when it left the showroom floor.

So the bottom line I guess is – think about your lifestyle and vote carefully – but before you do, check out this video.

(old, but very relevent)

OK rant over, and remember, this is My Opinion Only


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They want to unite but discriminate against 4 cylinder drivers, this is some of what I hate about the car scene, f*cking elitists that think there cars are the sh*t and what we drive is crap, f*ck you and your old pieces of sh*t I say.

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Nice thought but a friggin waste of a vote IMO.

Congratulations to Ricky Muir and The Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party (AMEP) on winning a seat in the Senate. Maybe now we have a voice to be heard.


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Thanks Sandra sully. They've already dug up soo much sh*t on him from his and his mates fb pages

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Congrats to the AMEP for getting someone in.

However, I think it is a well learned lesson for the future that anything you post on facebook/youtube is public unless you've been switched on and concerned about privacy from the get go.. If employers these days check peoples facebook profiles what do you think is gonna happen when you get thrown into the public spotlight..

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Who cares he still isn't as bad as Craig Thomson.

I'll be giving him a chance just like Tony Abbott before I start listening to what the media has to say.

Edited by _Velocity_
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