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Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party


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  • WOT?
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I agree totally unfortunately.

All road laws are state based/controlled, not federal so I can't see how a federal party is going to do jack.

Some states/counties in the US have caused a rethink/reversal on their speed camera etc policies through public backlash and something similar that is state based here would be interesting, but I'm afraid that the nanny state/speed kills propaganda has far too many people believing their crap to have much hope.

That said - a similar party at the next state election would be getting my vote. The right survey etc could even locate an electorate or two where there would be a semi-decent support for such a backlash.

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  • loitering with intent
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a seat or 2 , whilst it may be a success for the party it will not be sufficient to pass legislation

regardless of the house.

I ask a question. To the great unwashed , what is more important, bucks in the pocket

or the perception of hoons running free ? Endeth. Unfortunately.

Minimum requirements to actually obtain a licence would however be a win.

Seminars on road safety ,Defensive driving courses , skid pans etc as a point of entry

onto public roads NB most instructors would fail in all probability.

How many could handle a modded T ?

( Generic) Can you ?

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A seat or two in a minority government has plenty of sway. You want your government legislation to pass? What are you going to do for the car hooning party's AMEP's votes?

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  • WOT?
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

a seat or 2 , whilst it may be a success for the party it will not be sufficient to pass legislation

regardless of the house.

Doesn't need to be there to pass legislation, but to offer a real voice on what is being put forward.

At the moment anything traffic based seems to just get rubber stamped and statistics are being hand picked and formatted to support that legislation.

Another 32 fixed speed cameras coming to Vic, 2% leeway before automatic fine/demerits is seen as a more important safety stance than any talk of proper driver training. Reducing speeds gets all the attention rather than teaching to drive etc and it's all backed up with stats that are read to suit that outcome rather than an outcome built to respond to the stats.

Cars and roads continue to get safer and safer while the bar continues to get lower and lower due to the way of dealing with the symptoms, rather than the cause. A voice at the pointy end pulling the focus towards a real shift would get my vote.

I ask a question. To the great unwashed , what is more important, bucks in the pocket

or the perception of hoons running free ? Endeth. Unfortunately.

Yeah - I agree there. Not sure how focus of the party being against hoon laws will gather much real support come election time

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  • Sucker
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Sorry to interject, but did you guys actually read the quoted text in iDags' opening post?

The whole idea of the party is to affect change rather than just sitting back and watching everything turn to sh*t. The current hoon agenda may have provoked the movement but it's not their only focus.

They also realise that at the outset there will be minimal impact but small steps are much more effective than no steps.

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  • I <3 Floods
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So the whole doing something is better than doing nothing approach?

To me it's seriously a bit like pissing on a fire.. But in saying that I'm definitely a supporter of what they are trying to achieve.. They just have more spare time than me..

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  • Sucker
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lol...pretty much.

The other thing to with the senate is that although their main task is just to rubber-stamp bills, they do have pretty full-on and far-reaching powers as far as convening committees etc. That is where the real action starts.

Imagine how great a senate enquiry into the farce that has become managing the road toll? Looking at proper statistics and maybe even looking at the effectiveness of current enforcement practices etc. compared to what some of the european countries are doing.

That will never happen with the currently elected officials and no state government would ever start that process either. The only place it can really commence is the federal senate.

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Yeah sorry.....what was I thinking trying to get people involved in the choices being decided for them we should all sit back like the good little sheeple we are supposed to be and allow what ever governance they decide is right for us without trying to interject and have a different more open minded point of view.

Then piss and moan to everyone, bar where its going to actually make a difference, on any decision that is going to in the long run have a very detrimental effect to the way I do things and what I enjoy.

Excuse me while I drop my pants bend over and get in line with the rest.....

To quote a cheesy old saying....united we stand, divided we fall...step up to the plate where it counts or STFU.


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  • WOT?
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  • Member For: 12y 13d
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  • Location: Frankston, 3199

I agree with you Dags, but from their stated purpose they're not attacking from an angle that's going to win them much real support. (mainly anti hoon law stance is the only gist I can gather from their page)

I'd liken it to a party formed on the basis that sentences for drug users are too heavy, rather than a party formed to push for the decriminalisation of marijuana and other drug reform.

"Joey got his car impounded for doing 95 through a school zone - we think that's unfair and a violation of his civil liberties" isn't really much of a platform.

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