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Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party


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  • Brisbanes Resident Detailer
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Good on em. Things wont happen over night, but they will. Nothing will happen if we just stand around complaining with our thumbs in our arses.

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but from their stated purpose

They aren't attacking anything from any angle yet, the party has only just been formed BECAUSE of the Anti hoon laws not just to go after it specifically.

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  • Member For: 13y 9m 23d
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Read your old thread Dags. That's BS! You can't beat the man. Or for that matter get out of voting for him or her.

im a few months off 32 and have never voted, reading the above it turns out I might be registered automaticly but no one is chasing me.

so you can beat the man somewhat.

last time I tried to go and vote I wasn't on the electrol roll, they said you can register over there if you wish, umm yeah sure, will do!

walk out and have never heard anything since.

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Yeah same thing happened to my parents. They moved into a different electorate and when they went to vote were told they had to reregister. They said no deal and haven't voted for 10+ years. My brother just never registered when he turned 18.

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  • loitering with intent
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iDags So why is it a worth while and meaningful vote?

Go hug some trees or go root some pixies down the back yard

for all the difference it will make

Sorry to interject, but did you guys actually read the quoted text in iDags' opening post?

The whole idea of the party is to affect change rather than just sitting back and watching everything turn to sh*t. The current hoon agenda may have provoked the movement but it's not their only focus.

They also realise that at the outset there will be minimal impact but small steps are much more effective than no steps.

And how does one do this. farkin piffle

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  • Sucker
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How do you do what? Read?

So anyway Jules in all seriousness, you're known for speaking-up and giving your opinion, what are you doing to change things? Having the occasional conniption won't achieve anything.

Need to get you in parliament to shake things up a bit.

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 19d
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Hi Guys,

This is obviously a TOP IDEA. NEVER doubt the ability of a small party to influence decisions for the benefit of their fraternity. You've heard of the Shooter's Party? They swayed the NSW Govt in favour of feral pest control on government land. This is the Shooter's Party quoting the NSW Govt:

"Volunteer hunters have been working in our State forests for a number of years—without any serious incident or accidents—and have shot thousands of feral animals, providing an enormous boost to conservation efforts in relation to native wildlife"


Without representation we could see ourselves lose the right to change wheels, suspensions, exhausts etc. We're surrounded by bleeding heart air head do gooders who are anti any activity that is vaguely blokey. Haven't you noticed?

But AMEP - where's your web site? I can't find it.


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