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Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party


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It’s official; Motoring Enthusiasts now have a political voice…

The Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party (AMEP) has been formed, registered with the Australian Electoral Commission, and will stand Senate Candidates in each State in the upcoming Federal Election on 14 September.

The decision to form our own political party was not taken lightly, and was initiated after the unity demonstrated by the Motoring Community following recent moves by the Governments of nearly every State in Australia to toughen their anti-hooning and vehicle impoundment legislation.

With the realisation that the rights and civil liberties of every-day Australians are being eroded at an ever increasing rate, the Party aims to bring focus back to the notion that the Government is there for the people, not as it increasingly appears, the other way around.

The formation of the AMEP on a Federal level will not have a direct impact on the individual States or their policies; however, the numbers and strength that we bring to the Federal Party will cause the State Governments to look very carefully at our power-base. They will quickly realise that we will have the numbers to influence (and possibly sway) the results in a State Election; who know, perhaps we will consider standing candidates in State Elections, too…

Show your support, become involved… Become a Party Member now.


This is our chance to have a voice dont let it slip away!!

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Well I hope they don't complain about the way the country is run, its kind of like hoping to win lotto without buying a ticket...

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I've been informed my coment above is not true. It is against the law but isn't widely enforced by most states. NSW moved to automatic enrolment and Victoria (surprise, surprise) trialled taking people to court to force them to enrol.

I like the idea of this party. Hopefully they can organize themselves well and the public can get behind them. More independents in the Senate FTW.

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4,000 ppl have joined in just the last 24 hours, bloody good start.

taking people to court to force them to enrol.

Been there done that..... :dagabond:


It was because I wasnt enrolled for years as I only rented, once I bought a house I was cornered.

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I was recently selected to take part in the ABS monthly household survey. They send you an invite and make it all warm and fuzzy sounding, but in the FAQ it mentions that whilst this is an invite if you don't accept then you will be issued with an instruction to supply info etc... First thing I thought of was your little incident with the census - so of course I tell them how many hours I work & sheets of paper I use on a monthly farkin basis like a good little obliging citizen.

But on this topic...you ignored my suggestion on FB. :stickpoke:

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  • loitering with intent
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Nice thought but a friggin waste of a vote IMO.

Not worth a bit of Nanny goat poop in making a difference in changing anything.

The anti hoon majority will be burning effigies of ipresidente before you know it.

NB just remember Ricers made baby Jesus cry

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