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  • Will do skids for food
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  • Member For: 13y 3m 21d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth SOR

So I had a good and bad weekend with the race bike's first meeting of the season.

The good bit was with all the boost turned down, I still PB'd my 60' at 1.41 and ran 8.6 and 8.7's

Also, I'd fitted a new chain and moved the rear axle forward about 1.5" from where it was.

So the bike is about 7.5" over length now.

What I wasnt prepared for was that this change meant the thing rode the wheelie bar for a very large portion of the track.

It caught me by surprise on the first run I can tell you!

But now I know what to expect, its changed the riding experience from being on a very very fast bike to being on a complete animal that has to be pointed the right way before you let it go.


The bad bit is my data logging shows my oil surge problem isnt solved.

You can see the red oil pressure trace drop down as the yellow RPM trace rises to 8000rpm while the clutch is sliding and then dip more as it locks up and really gets going. 18psi oil pressure while making 300hp is not healthy !


So I stopped racing and drained and filtered the oil as well as cut open the oil filter.

There was some concerning bits in there that could have been bearing material but not much.

Seeing there is a brand new crank and rods in this motor, we decided to pull the engine and check it out rather than hope for the best and possibly drive over a new crank.

Luckily, no damage except one suspect big end bearing and one conrod has touched the crank.




So now its a matter of pulling the head off and removing yhat one rod and piston, cleaning that up, then replacing te one big end bearing, cleaning all the gasket gunk off the cases and pitting it vack together so we can go racing in less than three weeks.

Ive ordered a billet lowered sump with a swinging oil pickup that should stop the surging.

Massive thanks to Brett from Pace Motorsport for pulling this down and inspecting the engine with me last night till 10pm.

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