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out and about early this morning for a run up the range and bacon and eggs at Elis Beach on the way back 
the lads let me lead the pack up the range cos nobody wants to be overtaken by a chook chaser :sarcastichand:







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Dragged out my tarded drz and spent the arvo checking it over and getting an idea of what I need to get it going again. Usual stuff, battery, oil change, air filter clean, spark plug. Might just strip the carb and give it a quick clean considering its sat for a fair while and I also really need to make some sort of a baffle for the muffler as its way too loud and already scored me a date with the epa inspection station once before.

One thing I forgot about was the last time I washed the bike the trail tech speedo took in some water and stuffed up the lcd screen so I will have to replace that too. Been nearly 2 years since I've ridden a bike might need training wheels.

Some time ago I picked up an mc22 cbr250 front wheel to graft into the bike. This cast wheel needs new spacers turned up and a disc adaptor to use the suzuki rotor. In turn this will allow me to run the 4 piston 40mm axial brembo caliper found on many 90s ducatis. Brakes for days on such a light bike. I've run this similar setup before and it was hands down the best balance between outright braking power and feed back I have ever felt. 29f7c8a730b5c38acba114ab3a41d27e.jpgebc60955d83f9fc2e0dbc2a4717c6a74.jpgffeed66247f215ea32016ad763363257.jpg

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  • Puff
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25 minutes ago, violetpop said:

Might just strip the carb and give it a quick clean


Swap the main jet for a bigger one and run e85 for s&g.

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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4 hours ago, violetpop said:

 Been nearly 2 years since I've ridden a bike might need training wheels.


yeah nah mate

you'll be fine

it's just like riding a bike........................................................................................................................:hammerhead:

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Some more tinkering... Dash rocked up and fitted, horn in, went through the birds nest of wiring behind the headlight to clean up the blinker wiring and fit the stock ones. Pulled out all my luggage to get an idea of what I want to fit to the bike when I start using it.

The I turned my attention to the carb.. It was much worse than I thought. Pulled off the drain bolt and some nice green sludge had formed. Rest of the inside of the carb was lined with this stuff. I found over the years the best thing that works for this is foaming upper engine spray, cleans everything right up. So a good clean and back together then back into the bike. Its leaks!!!

I checked the float needle and looked in good condition but obviously not good enough. Plan is to track down a needle and seat and try again. I was still able to start the bike and confirm it would start like it used to (basically just look at the starter button and it starts, no choke, mixture screw 2 turns out)

Will do more work as the parts come in and if the falcon doesn't break anything haha 2a9106c771621b2271897e59f7f0a0e9.jpg970fd36c4a17f1edfcaf0e5f8f255e36.jpg8acada843da28acb2f5738960f5d3114.jpg703f161a7850f50e52699bd7692ddcec.jpgbca336747a22b94e26bf34d97dc2e36b.jpg

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  • Feeling the Love :-)
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On 28/04/2021 at 6:11 PM, violetpop said:

Dragged out my tarded drz and spent the arvo checking it over and getting an idea of what I need to get it going again.

took my Ducati ST3s out of the shed last weekend to take Mrs BCB for a squirt with some friends

hadn't ridden it since before christmas.........................cos now have awesome supermoto to play on

bloody hell bud

wot a heavy POS the Ducati feels compared to my KTM

201 Kg and 105 Hp compared to 112 Kg and 58 Hp

almost twice as heavy but also almost twice as powerful, obviously not even close to a modern sportsbike for power 


me mate reckoned, "it's a bike, just enjoy it" and I did

good for it's purpose, really comfy and great to take a pillion, and for a 14 year old bike it still looks pretty mint 



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