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Was a great day - stacks galore in the main race.

Was it all the bikes running the asymmetrical tyres or something?

Last year tyres were the issue - were they saying it was tyres again this year?

Am tipping the cool change that blew through may have caused an issue - cooling down the tyres a bit/losing their grip

Gutted for Crutchlow's off on the last lap - would have loved for him to pick up 2nd

Rossi winning at the Island - doesn't get much better than that :)

Will watch the race tomorrow (too buggered tonight after getting home) so will have a better idea what was happening then.

Crowds were very small - was out of the carpark straight away and home an hour and a bit later.

Moto3 race was one of the best I've seen in a long time - well done to Miller

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Yeah from what I could tell they were sayin the asymmetrical tyre was an issue. And the riders on the soft front were the ones havin issues where as the ones with extra soft fronts werent having the issues like rossi and lorenzo etc. Maquez stackin it was a mystery. He was 6 seconds ahead with no pressure and just put it in the dirt.

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  • Member For: 10y 9m 27d
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Whilst sitting down watching TV with the missus last night she asked me how the bike went on the Snowy's run.

I thought here's my chance to state my case for another bike.

So after saying that I felt sorry for the poor little thing blah blah blah sob sob etc, I said I might have to get something bigger......

She said "fine" and before I could smile she added, "just sell the one you've got first"

Dam!.....hmmmm she's got me.

So I said that means I won't be able to go dirt riding with the boys, sob sob

She turned and said "your not starting another bike collection and there's not enough room in the garage" (very true)

But , but, but ......I said .

Then the killer blow!

She said with a smile "it's about time you finished the Katana then you can ride that"........

Dam she got me again!!!

So after sitting under the bench for 15 years it looks like I'll have to do something with her.




Like I said I haven't touched this bike in 15 years !

How time flys!

She's covered in dust , has a fresh big bore motor and everything is new or rebuilt.

It'll take a few months(maybe 12) to go over her and finish her off.

I've done more to this bike than I can remember and I have along history with her (almost 30 years) and always said I'd never sell her.

Hate it when the missus makes to much sense, I know she's right and I ain't getting any younger!

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"Phwoooarrr" the 80s kids all said!

Very cool bike in their day with a massive cult following. What was the goal with this think Capn?

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  • Member For: 10y 9m 27d
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  • Location: Shellharbour NSW

The goal??? Errr good question!

First off I had a gigantic stack, a head on ,so there was a lot of work to do especially as the bike got hit by another 2 cars.

I was just going for more stiffness(frame is heavily braced), more power better suspension and brakes as well as getting as much weight out of her as possible .

For some reason I started detailing the hell out of it.I think because I had more time than money.

Then building a house and having a family got in the way.

I was going to make the bodywork out of carbon fibre.

I've still got the raw carbon fibre matting around somewhere.

As carbon fibre has been done to death I think I'll head in a different direction.

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