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  • Member For: 11y 11m 14d
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The old guy who taught me when I was learning said there are only 2 kinds of riders. Those who have stacked it and those who will.

With that in mind, get a cheap bike that has lots of parts available, has NO fairing, and is preferably jap so it will be an easy and cheap fix when you drop it. If you think you won't drop it, you're wrong.

Get frame sliders straight away. Keep the bike under $5000. The cheaper the better. When I got my licence I could have waited for my car opens and then jump straight on a bike bike. Instead I did my time on a crappy $1000 enduro bike that blew smoke everywhere. So many people forget that you are supposed to learn on your first bike. Bit hard if you are worried about dropping your brand new CB400 all the time - and you will.

Forget about resale and get something you can thrash. You'll have more fun. You'll also have more respect for your bigger and faster bike when you get it. Not only that, you'll have the right skills.

Wear your gear. With mesh jackets these days there's no excuse. They are light and feel barely there, get a proper back protector too. If you are on the bike you should have full finger gloves on all the time. Preferably leather. I've ridden with plenty of different people and sometimes explaining the glove thing is a bit annoying. The best way I can put it is: If you go down and you lose the use of your hands for 4-8 weeks - who will wipe your arse? Your missus? Your kids? Your mum? There no good choice...

Best advice I can give you is to do some riding on the dirt. It'll help with the inevitable situation where you hit spilt diesel or oil on the road.

As for best first bike. IMHO - Suzuki DRZ400SM. Alternatively any cheap enduro will do.

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Appreciate your input lumpy, just put a deposit on a GV650 Aquila Sport.

Black, 6000ks, rego til December, efi 2010 model, all stock for $5500

Should pick it up tomorrow night

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  • Member For: 11y 11m 14d
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  • Location: Brisbane

Not a bad choice actually. 2 of the guys I've ridden with recently went with the GV650 for their first ride.

Much less likely to drop it being a cruiser, just need to watch the pegs while cornering.

They've had a good and bad experience with their bikes, one is faultless and the other has had a bunch of electrical(mainly) problems. If I recall correctly they don't come with a tool kit so make sure you get some basic stuff which will let you get the seat off in case you need to get to the battery. Make sure you also have some zip ties as the shifter linkage is known to get loose.

Other than that, happy riding and stay safe.

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