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What Would You Buy If You Won Lotto?


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I would help out immediate family and friends by paying off debts, buying new cars and sending them on holidays.

Then I would buy a Ferrari 458, and a big house in Essendon aswell as a holiday for myself.

Then I would invest a lot in property and buy lots of toys.

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  • I <3 Floods
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Putting Ralphs example into play here..

A decent lotto win 20-40million.. Invested correctly even in Term deposits which are fairly safe.. Could see you living off $200k+ per year purely interest..

Knowing me I'd keep working because I'd get too bored otherwise.. So that'd be a fairly decent income per year..

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  • Sucker
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Had this conversation the other day at work and was ridiculed because my answer was pretty much along the lines of what Rukey said.

Then the big boss walks in and I won my argument; if the bloke sold-up now (or even 20 years ago) he'd have a hell of alot more in the bank than any lotto win could ever provide yet he still comes to work everyday and gives very freely & generously to charities and those in need.

Yet to anyone on the street they wouldn't have a clue what his family is worth.

Hopefully that'll be me one day, whether it be through hard work or a stroke of luck. Don't mind either way. :)

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The remaining funds (assuming it was a big win say 20+ mil) I would disperse across a few managed funds so they could generate revenue so I would't have to work till I'm 55. Once this revenue was substantial enough I would use it to create addtional revenue creating trusts that would be used to support a few charities that are near and dear to my heart.

I feel if you win tens of millions you have a social obligation to improve the lives of those that need it (I'm not talking about shouting robbo a new hsv gts) I thinking more along the lines of sick kids, cancer victims etc etc.


I would buy a few properties and rent them all out, live on half the income and give the other half to charity

No point in having all that money and spending it on things you don't need when there are plenty others that only need little financial assistance

I'd much rather drive a 180 grand gtr and give a million to charity then drive a rolls Royce phantom and give charity nothing

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I'd definitely shout my mate robbo a new hsv gts

Of course I would pay off mortgage and build a nice house on the currently empty 5 acres, also set mum/grandmothers up in houses they don't need to pay rent on (get gran in the USA out of the trailer park), but aaaaaafter that was done would come the cars. I do like the idea of living off interest and giving freely to charity foundations, would be far more rewarding than cars.

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  • billet turbos and weathered engines dont mix
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Probably invest as well, could nearly live off interest after you buy a few properties. Income from that buys new properties. Snowball effect, give some to the family, a solid amour to cancer research of my choice, cause cancer can go f**k itself. Then a nice shed and toys (ford of course)

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I'd definitely shout my mate robbo a new hsv gts

Of course I would pay off mortgage and build a nice house on the currently empty 5 acres, also set mum/grandmothers up in houses they don't need to pay rent on (get gran in the USA out of the trailer park), but aaaaaafter that was done would come the cars. I do like the idea of living off interest and giving freely to charity foundations, would be far more rewarding than cars.

I would shout my mate steveo a couple of coats of colour and some clear coat so he could finally cover up that primer coloured car of his.

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